Have any of you been fired from a job more than once?

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Tufted Titmouse
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22 Jun 2013, 6:04 am

fired = 3 (one of them was an internship)
run away = 2 (both were technical support= a lot of talking = anxiety , depression)


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23 Jun 2013, 8:06 am

-First job : Let go because there "wasn't any more work for me." I think I just didn't perform the way they wanted me to."
-Second job : Quit to move to another place, I couldn't live under my stepfather's reign of terror anymore. Didn't feel like spending the rest of my life there anyway.
-Third job : Fired for underachieving. What did they expect to happen if they gave the new guy, who worked 18 hours a week, the main phone for the department that changed the most day-by-day in the busiest part of the year (holiday season)? That I wouldn't have to waste at least half my time every day looking for a colleague because I couldn't answer the question the client asked?
And the ***holes required their employees to start working at least 10 minutes before the official start of the shift, and at least 10 minutes after the end. So yeah, expecting me to work for free 1,5 hours a week on an 18 hour contract. Wtf?
-Fourth job : Quit after 3 weeks. Most horrible work experience I ever had, why did I think I could work in a callcenter?
-Fifth job : Only temporary, but they were satisfied with my work.
-Sixth job : Got recruited under false pretenses, had to combine it with another job to earn enough money, not enough time to support my 6th, so fired.
-Seventh : I had to start at 6am every morning, then they complained I was yawning a lot. And I didn't show enough "initiative." After 4 weeks, wtf do you expect? :roll:
-Eight : Got fired for not working fast enough. If there's barely anything to do (worked in a supermarket, I was lucky if I had 3 crates to stock into the store per week), why would you expect me to do that as fast as possible?
-Ninth : Got fired for making a mistake.
-Tenth : Hated the job, wasn't fit for it, instead of firing me they made me sign a document saying I quit voluntarily.
-Eleventh : Fired for "creating problems that weren't there", which was complete bs because they were clearly there and no one ever properly explained how to deal with them; not being social enough with my coworkers (I don't understand why NT people think being friends with your colleagues makes you better at your job, I only see it as the opposite because you'll spend more time talking and less time working); and not showing enough initiative, even though I clearly showed a lot of it. But apparently to them showing initiative was solving the problems they created themselves by constantly ordering much more than there was space for in the store. Every other department was allowed to keep stock in the back, I always had to get everything in there. The only way to do that was having a magic wand to create extra space.
Worst of all is that everything I supposedly did wrong (except the social aspect) counted double for a colleague who had been working there for 3 years already.

So right now it's my 12th job in a little over 4 years.

Tufted Titmouse
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25 Jun 2013, 12:00 am

sixstring wrote:
-Fourth job : Quit after 3 weeks. Most horrible work experience I ever had, why did I think I could work in a callcenter?

-Eight : Got fired for not working fast enough. If there's barely anything to do (worked in a supermarket, I was lucky if I had 3 crates to stock into the store per week), why would you expect me to do that as fast as possible?

-Tenth : Hated the job, wasn't fit for it, instead of firing me they made me sign a document saying I quit voluntarily.

i lol'd at these :lol: those are in my list too

Tufted Titmouse
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25 Jun 2013, 1:09 am

I was once fired from my current job because my cell phone was in my pocket and rang while with a patient. I'm waiting to be fired again someday...

Emu Egg
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26 Jun 2013, 4:41 pm

Just day before yesterday.
I usually don't make it through the probationary period. They usually tell me something along the lines of "too dominant", "arrogant" or "not integrated into the team".
If I get through that, it's easier and I haven't been fired after the probationary period.


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27 Jun 2013, 7:06 pm

Heh heh....guess it's my literal aspie brain but somehow I had the idea that you meant somehow being fired twice from the same job....

But yes, I've been fired I'd say twice, maybe four times depending on how you look at it.

I was fired at my first job as a dishwasher...I was too slow and I couldn't really do anything other than wash dishes. They fired me for a classmate who could wash dishes and help with various other kitchen tasks. Ultimately it worked out for him because I think he ended up going into food service management after high school.

I was also fired from my tax accounting job....they told me it "just wasn't a fit." I had been there a year and never could make the connections i needed to make in order to find work projects.....did no work other than mundane clerical stuff the first six months I was there and then it was busy season and I was expected to work at the same level of people who had been through a couple of tax seasons already. I was dropped from the two projects I had been placed on, and spent my last 3-4 months there surfing the internet all day because no one wanted to work with me anymore...i was damaged goods. They let me go after my first year. It was nearly three years before I worked again, and over three years before I was able to get my career back on the road to recovery.

I've also been told not to come back for a couple of temp assignments....on one I probably messed a few things up and tried to cover it up [it was putting all these technical manuals together and I forgot what papers went where while I was making copies---they didn't have page numbers or anything.] There was also an assignment helping out at a law firm that was involved in this big lawsuit. We represented the plaintiff and when our side rested they let me go. They had a few people there who were permanent, but I don't know if they let me go because they didn't need me anymore or because they just didn't want to keep me on. I didn't get along with one of the attorneys, and they had me doing stuff I had not thought was part of the job, like driving people to the airport/hotel...I was new to that city and didn't really know where things were located so it was pretty stressful for me.

Been at my current job for 10 months, and I really have to hang on to this one, but it seems to be going well up to this point.

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27 Jun 2013, 10:13 pm

Before I was diagnosed, I was fired from every job I had unless it was one that was seasonal, temporary job. I only lasted maybe 2 weeks at McDonald's and a couple weeks at a used clothing store... I was at a call centre almost a year before being fired.


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27 Jun 2013, 10:30 pm

Yes, my boss fired me and called me like 2 days later and was like "Hey I need you to come in."

Tufted Titmouse
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02 Jul 2013, 3:58 am

Fired or quit from every single job I've ever had. Lost count of how many jobs I've had, none lasted longer than a few weeks. Most were in sales/customer service/or admin.

Now have a degree and looking for something where my oddness and eccentricities will be offset by my special interests.


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02 Jul 2013, 8:23 am

I've always been underemployed so my skills made up for my issues to the point it was worth firing me. While I was never fired but I was forcibly removed from one department in a building supply store and they tried to force me to quit after 6 1/2 years. I had simply stepped on too many toes and not only didn't play the political game but didn't realize there was even a game going on. I was also laid off from one position but I believe my bosses explanation that it's not something he wanted to do but had to do due to finances.

Luckily I'm in a job where it is almost impossible to get rid of me and I'm well liked by everyone to boot but I consider myself EXTREMELY lucky. I know how much Aspies are cast aside in the working world just because they are different and few recognize their talents.


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02 Jul 2013, 8:28 am

I've never been fired from a job but I only had 2 jobs and they didn't last long before I quit.


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03 Jul 2013, 11:58 am

quit = 2

quit before being fired = 2

laid off = 1

I have dreams of either being a successful author or running my own bussiness. Neither have made much progress. I don't want to give up though.


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03 Jul 2013, 12:07 pm

I've quit numerous jobs, mostly from the ages of fifteen to twenty-three. I was only officially fired once....from a porn shop of all places. How humiliating is that? :oops:


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08 Jul 2013, 3:35 pm

Never been officially fired, but I have been laid off twice and moved to another job once.

Tufted Titmouse
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08 Jul 2013, 5:14 pm

I tried a few times to work as a seamstress, because I like doing jobs where I am left just to get on with my work. It's quite nice sitting there sewing and listening to the radio, but I could never work quick enough. I tried this job at three different companies, with the same outcome. I now do office work and I hate it.