Joe90 wrote:
1. Customer Service Adviser
4. Teacher (especially with older children)
In my first proper job I worked in frontline customer service, got a customer service award, dealt with customer enquiries and worked with people nonstop in a busy reference library setting. I loved it, so I fail to understand why this is a bad job for an Aspie xD. I hated working in the lending library because I spent more time shelving books than I did interacting with the customers and helping them find information. So customer service jobs are good with me. I'd happily work one again if it was offered.
I don't really like presentations but I did give a few during my time at the library...mostly on copyright law and inter library loan procedure.
As for #4, it's not a teacher, but my current job is an LSA. (learning support assistant). I work in classrooms with students aged between 16 and 19. I am their education support, and in some cases, disability support. This can mean anythng from being hugged randomly by someone to explaining tasks to one to one mentoring in class to ensure a student gets their work done.
The only other job I've had was a warehouse assistant in a toy shop. Aside from them being horrible to me, it was stuck away from the public, and so boring my brain literally broke. I wanted to be on tills, and I wasn't able to be.
So in my case, a job which doesn't involve people is the worst job I can imagine. A job where you stand around and do nothing for hours but stare at stock. My brain needs occupying and people are challenging and so they occupy it.
I also can't work full time. I have learned that if I start at a low number of hours, when I know the place I can build them up...but generally around 25 hours is my max limit. More than that and I start to break.
Last edited by applesauce on 29 Sep 2013, 12:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.