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03 May 2014, 3:12 am

bleh12345 wrote:

Namaste, I'm sorry. I'm able to smile and things like that (I think). It pains me when people talk about my husband like he is some sort of freak because he doesn't have many expressions on his face. It's so hard doing customer service when they expect you to smile ALL the time. I never expect that of people. As long as they aren't mean to me, I often compliment them. I feel like everyone has bad days, and some like you and my husband don't even know they aren't smiling. It's not that important to me, but to the manager, for some reason, it is.

I'm sorry you were insulted. Do you mean fired? Or that you still have your job, but they insulted you? Regardless, it's hard out there. It's even harder when all you want to do is WORK but people make thing so complicated!

My husband would just take the other job if it had more hours. It would only be about 20 hours or so a week, I think. Unfortunately, that's not enough hours right now.

ya i was constantly teased about not able to smile....i was ignored by colleagues and bullied

I was insulted and told that new colleagues are doing better job then me, people who actually arent doing any work were compared with me and i was told that they are doing much better job. I was grilled and asked why students arent progressing and more progress was expected from them. Lot of things and was constantly compared during appraisal process.

Overall the appraisal was a demeaning process and so i resigned.
I worked for a NGO was teaching underprivilaged kids in slum areas English

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05 May 2014, 9:49 pm

Update: What they did top my husband was beyond f****d up.

They forced him into this "promotion" without even asking him if he wanted it. His old boss "T" got promoted and left 2 days ago. Two days before he left, he told my husband what his "raise" was. T was hesitant on telling him. HE GOT A .30 cent raise! WHAT?

THIRTY CENTS. All of the other managers are making way more, and some haven't even been working there for 5 years. THIRTY CENTS. And my husband didn't say anything. He was in shock. And then his manager sensed his shock and said "Well, it's better than nothing." UHM??? THE MANAGERS OF THE STORE CAN CHOOSE TO GIVE YOU A HIGH RAISE, BUT THEY KEEP LYING AND SAYING THEY CAN'T. THEY LIE NON STOP TO HIM. NON STOP! They keep saying "well, the way it works is that you can only get a raise every 1000 hours and it can only be 30 cents" BS. How are other key carriers doing less work than him and making 20+an hour after only working there for a few years?!?!?! How are people who aren't managers able to make 14 bucks an hour?! HOW?

So, one last thing T did before he left was made sure my husband was miserable. He used some lame excuse saying he can only give .30 cent raises to key carriers. I did the math. At 2 raises per year (which is what he said the limit would be), it would take him 10 years to make $15.50 an hour, STILL NOT THE AMOUNT THE PERSON WHO HE REPLACED MAKES.

His last raise was .30 cents. Raises are supposed to increase in increments. There are people who suck up to managers and make $14/hour and are LAZY. LAZY!

And after all of this, he scheduled him to do TWO PEOPLES JOBS TODAY. That's right! They are so cheap, he had him do load (which takes 8 hours) and be a service clerk at the same time. YAY! My husband can not only be a manager and make less than the people he manages, but he can also do another person's job and they only have to pay him $9.50 an hour! WOOOO!

Most of his coworkers were disgusted and agreed with him. He took this to the new manager. He demanded a $1 raise, or else he's turning in his keys and will refuse the promotion. The manager explained there is "no way" he could give him a raise. My husband said "Then how is it that according to you, you can only give me 30 cent raises, but other people are making 20 dollars an hour and aren't even managers?"

He kept saying "it's not possible". Anyways, this new manager is going to talk to someone about this and see if they can depromote him and he will just do freezer and load. I can't believe some people told him "to deal with it". The people that told him to deal with it either make over $20/hour, are lazy and only have to do a little amount of work, or are just stupid. Just so you know, he didn't have to be a key carrier. The job he was supposed to do (loading) doesn't require this. He was FORCED into doing this promotion in order to save the store money and work him to the bone while even lazy people get paid more.

He is making the exact same AS A MANAGER as the person who is working in produce who has to do WAY LESS WORK THAN HIM.

I can't believe they used my husband like this. He keeps believing them when they say they can't give him more than a .30 cent raise. Before T left, he promoted his best friend to an assistant manager, who went from 14 bucks an hour to 20. THE CASHIERS MAKE MORE THAN HIM AND HE MANAGES THEM! WTFH!! !! !

And yeah, I still can't believe they had him work two people's jobs at once! Being a service clerk takes all day and you don't have time for anything else. He couldn't finish the freezer because he was dealing with customers! WHAT A CROCK.

I literally cried in frustration. I've NEVER SEEN SOMEONE USED LIKE THIS. Even the people who get paid like crap don't deal with this! WTFH!


They treated him like scum, and is STILL told he can't get a raise more than 30 cents. They want him to do all of this work for such little pay, while they enjoy making 20+ an hour. One of his coworkers was so disgusted that she told a manager "You guys suck" for him.

I think they think he's mentally challenged. They talk to him like he's a child a lot. He's not diagnosed as autistic, but I think they are discriminating. They KNOW he's different, but they don't know the name of it.

They have treated other workers bad, but they have NEVER MADE SOMEONE DO TWO PEOPLE'S JOBS BEFORE! NEVER! As a manager, of course he is supposed to help out, but they literally called him to deal with customers EVERY FIVE MINUTES. Also, the guy who he replaced was a key carrier, yet the new manager said it's impossible to get a dollar raise unless he is beyond a key carrier. WELL, WHY IS THIS GUY MAKING 22 BUCKS AN HOUR THEN? AND WHY ARE THEY THINKING MARC HAS TO "PAY HIS DUES" WHEN NO ONE ELSE HAS TO??!?!

The world is cruel, and I told him that. I told him he has to learn how to suck up, but I don't think he should suck up at this job. They treated him so unfairly that I almost went to his store and cussed out the managers.

Even worse is that if anything bad happens, he is blamed because he is a manager. They had him work two peoples' jobs, and he couldn't finish his loading job. And some of his coworkers are telling him "it could always be worse". He actually flipped on the guy he replaced who makes over 20 an hour because he was sarcastic and said "OH NO!! !!" like he usually is. My husband gets s**t blamed on him all of the time. Other people said "Well, are you getting more hours?" AS IF GETTING MORE HOURS MAKES UP FOR PRETTY MUCH TREATING A PERSON LIKE A SLAVE.

I don't know if it's because he has a green card or is autistic. It may be both. I know they talk to him as if he's a child all the time and acts like he is stupid. When he stutters, people laugh and call him out on it. And people always criticize him even though he does things RIGHT and even the MANAGERS SAY HE IS DOING FINE. People always think he's "mad" because he doesn't have expressions on his face. But the one thing he does do is try his best to be liked by everyone. He is very nice to people. Sure, he complains about the lack of fairness (everyone does), but he has NEVER gotten like this. I don't know how he managed not to quit on the spot or flip the f**k out on the new manager for what they said.

Is this how we autistic people are supposed to be treated in life? I always knew hard work does advance you in life (people lie that hard work is all it takes) but jesus christ. I want to give up on life, because I'm commonly treated like this, too.

I want him to get diagnosed, because I think if he was diagnosed, he said his boss "wouldnt ever care". I think he could have a case that he is being treated unfairly because of a disability because he is DRASTICALLY treated different compared to everyone else. I mean they took things WAY WAY farther with him than I've EVER seen.

By the way, my husband was going to accept the raise as fine (he didn't tell me because he knew I would be mad at them). He was going to accept it until they literally made him do two peoples' jobs as if he is some illegal immigrant who has to "deal with it" and has no rights. (I'm saying this is how they treat illegal they have no rights..but they always have rights). I'm so sick to my stomach. He thought it would be fine until they did this. WHAT CHEAP f***s DO THIS?! Oh, they don't want to pay someone 8 bucks and hour and 20 bucks to do my husband's job...lets just have him do both and pay him only 9.50!! !

Last edited by bleh12345 on 05 May 2014, 9:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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05 May 2014, 9:50 pm

namaste wrote:
ya i was constantly teased about not able to smile....i was ignored by colleagues and bullied

I was insulted and told that new colleagues are doing better job then me, people who actually arent doing any work were compared with me and i was told that they are doing much better job. I was grilled and asked why students arent progressing and more progress was expected from them. Lot of things and was constantly compared during appraisal process.

Overall the appraisal was a demeaning process and so i resigned.
I worked for a NGO was teaching underprivilaged kids in slum areas English

I'm so sorry. It really f*****g sucks being in this position. I'm literally crying right now for not only my husband, but for all of us who are treated like this. It's not just unfair; It's immoral.

No wonder most of us are f*****g depressed.


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05 May 2014, 10:40 pm

bleh12345 wrote:
namaste wrote:
ya i was constantly teased about not able to smile....i was ignored by colleagues and bullied

I was insulted and told that new colleagues are doing better job then me, people who actually arent doing any work were compared with me and i was told that they are doing much better job. I was grilled and asked why students arent progressing and more progress was expected from them. Lot of things and was constantly compared during appraisal process.

Overall the appraisal was a demeaning process and so i resigned.
I worked for a NGO was teaching underprivilaged kids in slum areas English

I'm so sorry. It really f***ing sucks being in this position. I'm literally crying right now for not only my husband, but for all of us who are treated like this. It's not just unfair; It's immoral.

No wonder most of us are f***ing depressed.

Well Bleh, I'm not surprised. The truth is we live in a f****d up country with f****d up people. We live in a country of hatemongers.

This is because we live in a culture that is not based on love, logic, critical thinking, philosophy but hustling. We are a nation of hustlers and we love in a nation of dumbfucks and dolts.

Please read my blog.

Please read Dr. Berman's blog. Please read his books.

He and I both had an email exchange a while back. This is what he said to me. I'm going to give you and your husband the same advice he gave me. Put these two post it notes on your bad room mirror. I have them stickered on my bathroom mirror.
Post IT 1

Dr. Berman wrote:
But above all: relax. Life is too short to be constantly fretting as to how yr behaving, what yr doing, and etc. It'll be over b4 u know it, and u don't wanna feel u pissed it away. Just give less of a damn. Yr who u.r., and that's OK. If the world doesn't like it, they can kiss yr ass. Here's a better post-it 4u than the 'dolt' one: IF THE WORLD DOESN'T LIKE IT THEY CAN KISS MY ASS. (You shd be feeling better already.)

Post IT 2

Dr. Berman wrote:
We live in a nation of dolts.

Make sure to store up enough urine, put it in a super soaker and fire on these f****d up managers :P just kidding.

Read his books especially "The Twilight of American Culture" and

1. Become a New Monastic Individual
2. Leave the country if possible.

It's not you or your hubby. Our culture is f****d up because the business of America is business.


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05 May 2014, 10:46 pm

ROFL you did make me feel better. The only problem I have is that we are in poverty, and I know people wouldn't help us if we were homeless. People are so self interested...

All we want in life is to have enough money to live off of and a little extra to do a few hobbies. Actually, even if we only had enough to live off of (aka above the poverty level) we wouldn't be freaking out as much. When your life depends on what these dolts think, it brings you down.

I will have sweet, sweet dreams of soaking his managers in urine tonight. :twisted:

Do you live outside of America now???


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05 May 2014, 11:31 pm

ROFL you did make me feel better.

No problem! :d

The only problem I have is that we are in poverty, and I know people wouldn't help us if we were homeless. People are so self interested...

All we want in life is to have enough money to live off of and a little extra to do a few hobbies. Actually, even if we only had enough to live off of (aka above the poverty level) we wouldn't be freaking out as much. When your life depends on what these dolts think, it brings you down.

Yes, I definitely understand. They make the rules, hold all of the keys and guard all of the doors. At the end of the day and in your own bedroom, with the door shut, and while no one is looking both you and your hubby just give them the bird and f**k them. Whatever hobbies you two like to do whether it is writing or what no, do it just for the heck of it. If you two ever are able to, once in a blue moon go to a delicatessen and order yourself and hubby a pastrami on rye, turkey sandwich or whatever you two like.

I will have sweet, sweet dreams of soaking his managers in urine tonight. :twisted:

lol you do that and in your dreams yell out "I'm going to go super sayian on your ass." :P

Do you live outside of America now???

Alas Poor Yoric! It is an unfortunate tragedy that I still do live in America and it is more of an unfortunate tragedy that I'm not in Costa Rica on a beach sipping on a Martini in my lounge chair reading a sci-fi book by Arthur C. Clark.


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06 May 2014, 4:25 am

i read your bigger post about 30cents raise bleh, i dont know whether what i am saying is making sense
but i think he should take the 30 cents and continue.

Aspies are so odd that people just dont want them around. And the 30cents raise and just holding a
job is good enough

I was working in slum areas with difficult situation teaching underprivilaged kids but i was asked
to leave indirectly because of my social skills. I couldnt last there

I approached a NGO working for mentally challenged and initially they were nice but after meeting
me and all they are avoiding me and they are not returning my calls now. I just wanted to volunteer
there for free i dont want money or anything.

People dont want us for money also....thats the scenario with Aspie

So i want to say let your hubby just continue with that job and if he keeps pestering for more
raise he might loose the job and go into depression

I dont know whether its good advice bt just my take

The only thing right in this wrong world is