Today, my employer contacted my doctor without my permission

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30 Jul 2014, 10:22 pm

Stoek wrote:
Get a mp3 player for the love of god.

You can get one at walmart for twenty bucks.

Your really doing us all a disservice by using a phone.

If the system graciously give you special status you should have the respect to not abuse it.

Its just bad publicity for anyone involved.

how is a phone any different then a mp3 player, most phones are mp3 players with the ability to make phone calls now a days.
I have a ipod and a iphone they are identical and do all the same things except make calls.

if the music helps her anxiety then it would seem to fall under reasonable accommodations.

the place I am doing an assestment at hires disabled people and they are all allowed to listen to music and its recommended.


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02 Aug 2014, 10:42 am

KillerPenguin wrote:
You guys are adorable. So far, an mp3 player will not be allowed. Plus, I'd have to purchase mini speakers, a really good case (work is messy, rough, and everything that goes up there gets ruined), and a wall charger. It adds up and if they're not going to provide a damn air conditioner for my office (I live in the Deep South, btw) or upgrade my system (running Windows 98--old school, yo) or even buy decent pencils that don't snap in half when you put them to paper, and they're a multi-million dollar company, then...yeah. I offered an mp3 player up as a compromise--I'm flexible. They are not. I'm starting to not even care about going back; I do a lot of freelance writing work and I could probably just expand that and quit my day job.

We're waiting to hear back from the doctor. He hasn't called us back yet and we called as soon as they opened this morning.

No AC... in Louisiana? That's inhuman. O.o

You should also start looking for a new job just in case. The sad thing is that once you become 'an issue' they will simply find legal ways to either fire you or stress you at work so much that you will leave 'voluntarily' (assign too much work and pressure to you, count a 1 minute late clock-in as a 'late' so they add up fast and they can fire you as per their policies, etc,etc).

Hope it all goes well :)

Tufted Titmouse
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05 Aug 2014, 12:55 am

Thanks for all of the responses, guys. It really helped in so many ways, especially because I was really really down--I haven't encountered a problem like this in a super long time. Anyway, update: I decided to not go back. My parents saw what a wreck I was, and they knew about some other stuff work had pulled on both me and my mother, so they told me that while it was my decision, they didn't want me going back. My boyfriend agreed and they all said they'd help me with rent. So I just have to focus on finding a new job, studying for the stupid GRE, learning to drive, and upping my freelance output.

Really, I can't say how much it's meant to have people around who understand this crap. Thanks again.


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05 Aug 2014, 9:14 am

KillerPenguin wrote:
Thanks for all of the responses, guys. It really helped in so many ways, especially because I was really really down--I haven't encountered a problem like this in a super long time. Anyway, update: I decided to not go back. My parents saw what a wreck I was, and they knew about some other stuff work had pulled on both me and my mother, so they told me that while it was my decision, they didn't want me going back. My boyfriend agreed and they all said they'd help me with rent. So I just have to focus on finding a new job, studying for the stupid GRE, learning to drive, and upping my freelance output.

Really, I can't say how much it's meant to have people around who understand this crap. Thanks again.

Sounds like you've got excellent support and a good plan... that's really awesome.

Tufted Titmouse
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05 Aug 2014, 7:40 pm

I really do; I'm quite lucky. I went to my new doctor today (needed med refills) and he asked what brought us to him and my mom burst into tears and I told him what went down and he was flabbergasted when I told him how my previous doctor had handled the situation. Especially after the guy hung up on my mom and refused to help me when I was in a really really bad way.


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12 Aug 2014, 4:52 am

sly279 wrote:
[. . .]
how is a phone any different then a mp3 player, most phones are mp3 players with the ability to make phone calls now a days.
I have a ipod and a iphone they are identical and do all the same things except make calls.[. . .]

A phone is different from an MP3 player because her boss specifically made phones against the rules. Which I think is megalomaniacal, but that's a different topic. :geek:

To the OP: I'm glad you got out of that place.

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15 Aug 2014, 2:53 pm

ME TOO! And the boss is more petty, short-sighted, and the most extreme micro-manager I have ever seen. (The worst part is that he is really really old and ends up getting in the way and hindering work way more often than he actually helps.) :) But I'm FREE!

Pileated woodpecker
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18 Aug 2014, 6:28 am

KillerPenguin wrote:
Yeah. It's a long story but basically last week my work decided to ban all cell phone usage, even using it for music. This is a problem for me because I work in a loud area, with a boss that screams and curses constantly and I am hypersensitive to sound, especially certain pitches. So when I went to my doctor, I explained my problem and he wrote me a note to allow me to use my phone as a radio, played at low volume, because that's how I cope with my anxiety. Now, you may be asking, "why not use an actual radio?" Well, there are two problems with that: 1) my area barely gets reception and 2) radio noises actually cause me anxiety. My tastes in music are very peculiar because of my sensitivity and all we can sort of pick up on the radio is country, pop, and this easy listening thing. Those things make it worse. On top of that, I can't take the radio announcer voice and screaming commercials. So I explained this to my doctor and he agreed, the phone is best. (Also, as for why I don't get an mp3 player--I make just over minimum wage. I don't have the funds to buy an mp3 player and I can't have headphones.) I gave my note to my employer and they were pissed. So today, the big boss contacted my doctor and got him to fax a note saying a radio was fine. HE TALKED TO MY DOCTOR WITHOUT MY PERMISSION. He never asked me directly about my disability, he never made an attempt to understand what the issue was. He went behind my back and now the entire office knows about my issues. Is there someone I should contact? Someone with knowledge about autistic legal issues or something? My father has contacted a lawyer, but now I'm paranoid that I'm overreacting. I don't think I am but....yeah. Any feedback would be appreciated

You have a major legal case against both doctor and employer. Go after them and demand lots of money! Send a message to people that this behavior is unacceptable.