Angnix wrote:
It's 1 and a half hour one way by car... And I don't even own a car right now, though I have a license and can drive. I live in a small town with little opportunity.
My experience is in relation to birds, teaching about them and doing field research of wild birds.
I also say go for it. My best friend is also a bird expert and I know those bird jobs are few and far between. To be in that field, you have to expect to put up with a lot, like lower pay and long drives. From what I understand, it's more than worth it. My friend is an avian zookeeper and I've never seen her happier or more fulfilled. She sometimes gets to do really cool things with birds and bird training. She had a time like you're talking about now where she had to suck it up and take a risk to get to where she is now. In fact, she's kind of doing that again to get more training to have more responsibilities with birds.
I had to look at the Obamacare website once. If it's just you, you could probably find coverage for 100 bucks a month, which isn't bad if you're working. I'm going by memory here. You would have more providers you could go to, but may have a deductible. You should get someone who works in that field to look at it with you, or make a post on here. I can explain some of it, because I used to work in healthcare.