I wanted to be in the military more than anything as a kid. I enlisted in the United States Navy when I was 20, and my recruiter said I could enlist with Aspergers and that I needed to say no when asked if I had any potentially disqualifying conditions. Halfway through basic training, I was having trouble keeping up (constant sensory overwhelmness) and one of my drill instructors thought I should get a mental evaluation. They twigged on Aspergers quick, told me that all forms of Autism are a permanently disqualifting condition for service in the Navy, and sent me home. With that on my record, I can't sign up for another branch, so I'm out of any chance for a military career.
Luckily, I found new passions. Fell into urban planning pretty hard (particularly transportation planning), and then geography (specifically Geographic Information Systems), and I'm going into my senior year at university right now (I'm double majoring in both subjects, so I have to do two senior years instead of one). I also have a pretty good part time gig in the alcoholic beverage department of a retail store. Thought retail wouldn't be for me with the Aspergers, but for some reason running a cash register doesn't really bother me, and I can talk to customers about what craft beer and whiskey they should buy for a very long time. I love drinking beer and whiskey, and I can talk a long time about things I love.