latreefarmer wrote:
I think the ideal job will change often for us. I thought I had an ideal job for a while, but after a few years, the little things start to add up. Dealing with Nt's on a daily basis will inevitability end up with some tough scenarios and hurt feelings. I am about to (celebrate?) my 10th anniversary at my current job. I can't decide if it is the ideal job or not for me anymore.
The NT thing certainly is an important element of an ideal job. I'd always thought my dream job would involve minimal interaction. But as I've gotten older I've actually found that the more experience I have working in social situations, the better able I am to fake my way through interactions in everyday life. When I worked at a library, I was terrified of other people and avoided interaction as often as possible. But since then I've worked as a waitress, and worked in a few team environments, dealing with customers and answering phone calls. Those tasks intimidated me, but there was always a script involved - what to say when you take someone's order, or what to say when you answer the phone. After awhile you pick up on the kind of small talk other people make and you start mimicking that too.
I've found that taking jobs with scripted social interactions have really helped me learn the rules of interaction. I'm 1000% more comfortable making phone calls, dealing with customer service reps, and just pretending to be a charming human being. So even though I don't naturally enjoy a social work environment, I've found that working in fairly structured social environments - where you have a defined role and the majority of what you say is predictable - have actually helped me in my real life too.