Who else has been fired or banned from Wal-Mart...

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You have been:
Banned from Wal-Mart 4%  4%  [ 3 ]
Fired from Wal-Mart 1%  1%  [ 1 ]
Fired and banned from Wal-Mart 1%  1%  [ 1 ]
None of the above, but you don't shop there anyway 63%  63%  [ 50 ]
None of the above, but you DO shop there... (STOP!! !) 31%  31%  [ 25 ]
Total votes : 80


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09 Aug 2008, 5:24 am

sinsboldly wrote:
iamnotaparakeet wrote:
sinsboldly wrote:
mikebw wrote:
I did a really bad and stupid job of shop lifting. Banned me from every Wal-Mart for life.

I offered to pay for the cheap item, I had the money on me. But they'd rather get a couple hundred $ and ban me losing thousands of $ from my business over my life time at the risk of losing some petty change every blue moon. So whatever. I'm happy to give other companies my business, I think they're better anyway.

see? it's that situational ethics question they have on their pre interview questionnaire. They want and retain people that make the rules apply no matter HOW silly they are in the long run!


I don't know if you're saying this for real or not, but, yes, there are some stupid rules which they hold as absolute and show no mercy on - such as the immutability of scheduled hours as randomly assigned by an ignorant computer.

I am saying it for real. Applying at Walmart with a degree in sociology was an interesting experiment. I didn't get past the 50 questions they ask you in some computer terminal back by the lay away department ( when they had them) that looked like a photomat. One question was real long, and described some one that had been tardy because of family problems, and if I had to fire this person for the tardies would I do it even if I knew the family problems had been taken care of? I said, damn straight I wouldn't fire him because he was a good worker and why make his life more of a living hell? ( well, actually they didn't have write in answers so I guess I said I wouldn't fire him)

well, I never got a call back, even when I stopped back in several times for an 'update.'


The computer makes the decisions at Wal-Mart, managers just follow along like blind puppets because they can be fired for ANY breach of policy just like any peon can... but by your honesty on this question - and probably a few others - you may have cheated some peons out of having a good boss. Think of it this way, the computer only gives a score and has no clue of right or wrong - some moron programmed ruthlessness to be a virtue on the automated test.


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09 Aug 2008, 7:23 am

I have been tempted to just walk out when I get up to the register and there are 50 people in front of me. But I figured out a better way to make my point. My rule is that I will wait 5 minutes or maybe 10 on a busy day. After that, I push my cart aside, full of frozen groceries and other stuff, and then walk out. At the end of the day, they go back and find a cart sitting there with rotted food that they have to throw out. I haven't had to do that in a while so I guess they got the point.


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09 Aug 2008, 7:56 am

n4mwd wrote:
I have been tempted to just walk out when I get up to the register and there are 50 people in front of me. But I figured out a better way to make my point. My rule is that I will wait 5 minutes or maybe 10 on a busy day. After that, I push my cart aside, full of frozen groceries and other stuff, and then walk out. At the end of the day, they go back and find a cart sitting there with rotted food that they have to throw out. I haven't had to do that in a while so I guess they got the point.

Better yet, just don't shop there. They keep it understaffed and call in salesfloor associates to handle the cash registers rather than hiring people who have been trained to run the cash register. Not only that, but the sales associates have gigantic lists of things to do or else they get threatened by the management, but they can't perform their required duties because they're also required to run registers because Wal-Cheap doesn't care about employees but only profit of the corporate higher-ups.


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09 Aug 2008, 8:03 am

I do hate those psych tests. They discriminate against people with AS. I had a job lined up at a local hospital and everything was great until they wanted me to take the psych test. Then I never heard from them again.


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09 Aug 2008, 8:08 am

n4mwd wrote:
I do hate those psych tests. They discriminate against people with AS. I had a job lined up at a local hospital and everything was great until they wanted me to take the psych test. Then I never heard from them again.

They're not really psychological tests at Wal-Mart, it's more of a "values" test.

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10 Aug 2008, 3:50 am

I actually work at Wal-Mart right now.

I don't know if I just ended up with the one good Wal-Mart in all of existence, but things aren't that bad. I was able to BS my way through the application and interview. (They even complimented me on my people skills. The fools!) I'm working in the Pets department, one of the most isolated places in the entire store. Most of my customers are kids that want to look at the fish. I try to be as friendly as possible, asking people if they need assistance, keeping the place cleaned up, helping out in other departments if I have time, and keeping to Wal-Mart's schedule and culture whenever possible. I make STUPID mistakes, of course, but I also make sure I work as hard as I can, improve as much as I can, and generally make myself as useful as possible.

And if I do get fired, at least I lasted more than two-and-a-half months. Considering how much you have to talk to people, I consider that a blessed miracle.

I...guess what I'm trying to say is, Wal-Mart isn't the monstrous place it's made out to be. Most of the problems people have mentioned of this board are true everywhere. We got dealt a bad hand at birth; we just have to deal with it as best we can, try to fit into whatever niche we can find, and not blame everyone else for job woes.

And now, I have to crash.


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10 Aug 2008, 10:03 am

I was there from December 22nd 2006 to April 23rd 2007, try staying on the salesfloor: it's a lot less stressful and you make less hour-hungry enemies than working in Deli or the like.

Snowy Owl
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11 Aug 2008, 6:05 pm

mikebw wrote:
I did a really bad and stupid job of shop lifting. Banned me from every Wal-Mart for life.

I offered to pay for the cheap item, I had the money on me. But they'd rather get a couple hundred $ and ban me losing thousands of $ from my business over my life time at the risk of losing some petty change every blue moon.

But they don't know if it's only once a blue moon or if you're a habitual shoplifter. They'd rather not take any chances, and there's a principle to it too.

The fact that you're justifying your action shows a lack of repentance, and I wouldn't want you in my store either.

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11 Aug 2008, 6:06 pm

Jael wrote:
mikebw wrote:
I did a really bad and stupid job of shop lifting. Banned me from every Wal-Mart for life.

I'm just curious...how do they enforce such a ban? If you pay with cash, how does a random check-out clerk know that you are banned?

Just cause for an additional trespassing charge if you're caught for any reason, I guess.

Anyways, why go to someplace where you're not welcome? You do have some honour, right?


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12 Aug 2008, 5:52 pm

Nutterbug wrote:
Jael wrote:
mikebw wrote:
I did a really bad and stupid job of shop lifting. Banned me from every Wal-Mart for life.

I'm just curious...how do they enforce such a ban? If you pay with cash, how does a random check-out clerk know that you are banned?

Just cause for an additional trespassing charge if you're caught for any reason, I guess.

Anyways, why go to someplace where you're not welcome? You do have some honour, right?

If Wal-Mart kills off the competition in the area, where do you go to shop?

Snowy Owl
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12 Aug 2008, 6:03 pm

iamnotaparakeet wrote:
Nutterbug wrote:
Jael wrote:
mikebw wrote:
I did a really bad and stupid job of shop lifting. Banned me from every Wal-Mart for life.

I'm just curious...how do they enforce such a ban? If you pay with cash, how does a random check-out clerk know that you are banned?

Just cause for an additional trespassing charge if you're caught for any reason, I guess.

Anyways, why go to someplace where you're not welcome? You do have some honour, right?

If Wal-Mart kills off the competition in the area, where do you go to shop?

Wherever all the more dignified people go to shop.


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13 Aug 2008, 2:35 am

Nutterbug wrote:
iamnotaparakeet wrote:
Nutterbug wrote:
Jael wrote:
mikebw wrote:
I did a really bad and stupid job of shop lifting. Banned me from every Wal-Mart for life.

I'm just curious...how do they enforce such a ban? If you pay with cash, how does a random check-out clerk know that you are banned?

Just cause for an additional trespassing charge if you're caught for any reason, I guess.

Anyways, why go to someplace where you're not welcome? You do have some honour, right?

If Wal-Mart kills off the competition in the area, where do you go to shop?

Wherever all the more dignified people go to shop.

Do you mean honorable or rich? There is a difference.


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15 Aug 2008, 4:52 pm

i've been kicked out of walmart 3 times. once for no shoes, once for taking pictures (actually, my friend was, and not of the merchandise), and once for dressing oddly (a group of us got into a cache of rich old lady clothes). i was wearing a 10000$ fur coat, no shirt, several fancy crucifixes (crucifi?) of varying lengths, and a skirt made of heavy gold and purple curtains. my friend chris (male) was wearing a ball gown. and the girls were wearing very fancy old dresses, with gloves and pillbox hats.

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18 Aug 2008, 3:26 pm

adverb wrote:
i've been kicked out of walmart 3 times. once for no shoes, once for taking pictures (actually, my friend was, and not of the merchandise), and once for dressing oddly (a group of us got into a cache of rich old lady clothes). i was wearing a 10000$ fur coat, no shirt, several fancy crucifixes (crucifi?) of varying lengths, and a skirt made of heavy gold and purple curtains. my friend chris (male) was wearing a ball gown. and the girls were wearing very fancy old dresses, with gloves and pillbox hats.

If you had walked into the Taco Bell I worked at, the employees would've been the ones taking pictures. :lol:

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18 Aug 2008, 5:14 pm

I don't like to shop there, as it's understaffed and the parking lot has a lot of litter in it. I'd rather work where I like to shop, so I have never wanted to apply for a job there.

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08 Oct 2008, 2:51 pm

Well, I've never worked at Wal-Mart, but I was fired from Target during my training period (all the things I had to keep up with ... bleh!)