How do I get a job with a physical disability?

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08 Oct 2008, 9:43 pm

alien842 wrote:
886 wrote:
sell movie tickets.

or rip them.

theaters hire people with disabilities all the time

Not here. Even the ticket rippers have to stand up.

really? an old dude i used to work with got a hernia and he sat to rip tickets. then at the other theater, a guy with cerebral paulsy sat in a wheelchair and ripped tickets. i think he still does.

If Jesus died for my sins, then I should sin as much as possible, so he didn't die for nothing.


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13 Oct 2008, 10:18 am

Well theres not much else I can do. There's a couple temp agencies left that I haven't been to, and the postal service is hiring. Maybe they have something I can do.

Other than that, I'm going to have to meet with employers of s**t jobs like cashier work and practically beg on my knees for them to hire me with my medical problem and let me bring in a stool.

If that doesn't work, then I'll just have to take a job and f*****g faint anyway. (Trust me, it'l happen within the first day or 2 of working) Maybe if the boss sees what happens, but knows that I'm a good worker that just wants to do my job, they'll feel sympathetic enough to let me have a stool.

And I'm also going to try maid services. If I can clean places working by myself, then I can sit down briefly every few minutes if I need to.


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13 Oct 2008, 10:31 am

Update: Nevermind the maid services. I just called and they won't consider anyone without a car.

f**k it all; nobody gives a s**t about anyone with a health problem and I'm going to fall through the cracks because of it. All I f*****g want is a NORMAL life and I WANT to work, but at a job that I can physically do without having to worry about getting sick and fainting. It seems like I'm never going to have that, and I just wish I could die right now. I swear to god, if I lose the place I'm living at, I am going to kill myself. There's NO f*****g WAY I'm going to live in a homeless shelter.


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13 Oct 2008, 10:40 am

alien842 wrote:
Other than that, I'm going to have to meet with employers of sh** jobs like cashier work and practically beg on my knees for them to hire me with my medical problem and let me bring in a stool.

What happened with the Americans with Disabilities Act? You were going to see someone about it.

Also, here is a site,
of disability laws in CA.
this is the part of the site specifically dealing with employment issues.

If you go here and look up 'disability law' and your zip code or city/state, you get a list of disability sites. I tried it with Los Angeles CA and Boston, MA and both worked. I don't know where you actually live - in a previous post you were considering moving and asked what states are least expensive to live in.

Finally, I looked up 'california disability employment' on and got this: ... employment
Maybe you could check your own favorite search engine and see what comes up, assuming you haven't already. I know that's an insulting assumption - sorry, but I just don't want to leave any stone unturned.


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13 Oct 2008, 11:48 am

They won't help me get a job. All they do is provide doctor's services and stuff like that, which I don't need right now.

And I live in Nevada now. I left California because my savings will go a little farther here.

I just sent off for a US Postal Service kit and I'm planning to register and take the test. This is my last real option, so I only hope this works. In the meantime, I'll have to try a minimum wage thing until then. I guess I'll have to grovel at the employers feet like a f*****g dog and ask for a stool.


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13 Oct 2008, 6:48 pm

You: "I have a condition that causes me to faint if I stand up too long. Could I have a stool, so that I don't end up fainting on the job?"

Them: "Sure, there's one in the back office you can use."

You: "Thanks"

No groveling required.

Seriously, your posts make it sound like you're asking for the blood of their first born child. If the only accommodation you need is a stool, I don't see what the major problem is. If the problem is that you are paralyzed by anxiety at the idea of asking for a stool, or if you are simply too proud to ask, then that is another issue entirely.

My sister has fibro-myalga and has been forced by her condition to ask for much more than something as simple as a stool to sit on. My roommate's girlfriend has multiple sclerosis, and has had to ask for certain accommodations in her job as a secretary(before that, she was a cashier). As for me, due to my brittle bones, at one point, I had to force myself to walk into my boss's office and tell him that I needed to take a week off, because my hands hurt so bad that I couldn't hold my tools. At the end of that week, when my hands were still hurting, I decided to quit.

This is just something that goes along with having a physical disability. Yes, it sucks, but that's how it is.