Ways to make income besides a job

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Well that is partially true, but lets just say not all of the fear is irrational. I mean I am not the one who told myself I couldn't do jobs I got fired from, the people who fired me did. Every job I've had I've found out in some manner that it was because I couldn't keep up and would start missing a lot of things under stress. I tried waitressing when I was 17 and I would mix up orders, leave stuff out and and such when it got busy so it was a mess. I mean I was upset they fired me but I understood they couldn't have that. Then I had a work study job and though I was not fired I got some of the same complaints there about not being able to keep up as well as I wasn't self motivated enough or didn't show enough enthusiasm or something and basically I wasn't what they needed socially. So a lot of this anxiety comes from actual problems I end up with when I try and work.....though I admit it can be irrational at times, I mean sometimes I litterally cannot do something because the anxiety wont stop like it will start with thinking of one thing that could go wrong and then what that going wrong would lead to and on and on and on it really does get ridiculous but no matter how much I try and convince myself it's just anxiety I can't stop worrying. Hell the anxiety in itself would probably interfere with work I mean if I could keep all the symptoms inside it wouldn't be so bad but I end up getting all jumpy(as in I could drop and break things because I jump at noises or at nothing) and irritable and none of that is good on a job.
I'd probably go for the inventory stocking so long as its not too much with numbers, data entry I am not so sure about simply because I am not sure how I could focus on typing data into little boxes on something that looks like excel for hours a day. At least with the stocking there is a little bit of variation in work and I stay more focused if I am doing more than one specific type of work. I had no problem shelving books at a library when I volunteered there for a while when I was in highschool. But I was also putting the labels they scan to check them out and with soft covers I had to cover them with this plastic lamination stuff to protect the covers. It was awesome except well...It was a lot of work, I was spending what little money I did have on lunch everyday and I found out there was no chance of getting a job eventually through volunteering so I stopped after a while.
I think many folks here have a preconceived notion that if they can't function in social situations they can't function in the workplace. This is so untrue. At work, people are expected to work, not socialize. The ones who do socialize a lot are considered slackers. This is where the aspie can shine because aspies among other things have an incredible work ethic, and work ethic is a highly respected trait among professionals. Yes, you have to talk to people sometimes, but the talk is about work, and I've found it so much easier to talk about work. For example, my first job was at a Whataburger. I was a cash register clerk. When customers came to the register I had a scripted "Hi, can I take your order?" I was not great at this but since it was scripted I was able to do it. It was easy to take the order and press the buttons for the items. Like you, I am affected by noise so I'm not saying it was the perfect job or that I excelled at it, but it turned out to be a nice stepping stone for me. I also recommended fast food because it's pretty easy to apply for it and make it through the interview.
In my experiance I cannot very well function in social situations(unless its people I know well who know the way I am and more or less accept it) and I cannot seem to function well enough for the employer on a job...at least with ever job I've tried so far. And I just know I would freak out under too much stress in fast food places I mean even eating in them can be stressful for me. I mean if it was busy and customers where getting impatient I'd probably start missing stuff having people re-tell me their orders and god forbid they let me near the cash register.....I am terrible at counting change and math in general so when I do it takes a while, if I am under too much stress I wouldn't be able to do it accurately the whole not keeping up thing.
I mean it's called fast food for a reason, which indcates the work is also fast paced. Though I have applied at fast food places, just never got any interviews or anything.....its like my applications get rejected upon turning them in. Oh and if you apply online they have this personality survey and I know how they want the questions answered but other then not stealing and such I would have to lie to give them the answers they want so thats another thing that gives me the impression I am not what they'd be looking for.
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Joined: 6 Jan 2011
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So entrepreneurs are all criminals.

The economy is moving away from employment and more towards self-employment - what you say couldn't be further from the truth in the present environment. Employment is rapidly becoming something only peons like me do, as more and more people are becoming freelance contractors, or producers in their own right (eg making products and selling them, or becoming traders like on ebay etc).
The economy couldn't even function if everyone was an employee - who would there be to hire them?
This is good and bad...I mean hopefully some of these self employed people will still want to hire people to help with the work. I don't see how I would self employ myself. For one I have very, very low self confidence, and the financial aspect of trying to run my own buisiness would be hell considering I fail at math and really don't understand a lot of the paper work. I mean if I could make income I suppose I could hire someone to do that but the issue would be getting in a position to do so.
We won't go back.
Recommended / suggested ways to make extra income without a job:
**Turning your art into capitol (paintings, music, literature).
**Doing this on places like the Kindle Marketplace where you earn almost all of the royalties and pay very little if anything to begin with.
**Yard sales
**Getting books from Goodwill and thrift stores and selling on Amazon.
**If you have money already, investments in bonds, stock and learning to trade.
**Selling scrap at the scrap / junk yard that you find or collect.
**Odd jobs and unofficial work with cash payment (mowing someone's lawn, washing a car, babysititng etc.).
Ways you shouldn't consider:
**Gambling (maybe the Lotto but don't spend heaps on tickets just treat it as a rare bit of fun).
**Selling organs.
**Loan shark or borrowing of any kind (it's not really income it's a debt).
**Tax evasion and fraud.
**Theft / stealing.
**Selling what you don't own or have rights to sell.
I mean it's called fast food for a reason, which indcates the work is also fast paced. Though I have applied at fast food places, just never got any interviews or anything.....its like my applications get rejected upon turning them in. Oh and if you apply online they have this personality survey and I know how they want the questions answered but other then not stealing and such I would have to lie to give them the answers they want so thats another thing that gives me the impression I am not what they'd be looking for.
I hate the way some companies screen for personality. That fact alone, makes me want to be self-employed. I mean really, it's a fast food place--do they really have to discriminate between personalities?
I just find that practice so invasive and offensive. Seriously, why am I supposed to share my personality with my employer-- It should be enough that I'm willing to do the job. I don't want to become friends with them...or lovers...it's not marriage. It really bothers me.

Joined: 6 Jan 2011
Age: 35
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I mean it's called fast food for a reason, which indcates the work is also fast paced. Though I have applied at fast food places, just never got any interviews or anything.....its like my applications get rejected upon turning them in. Oh and if you apply online they have this personality survey and I know how they want the questions answered but other then not stealing and such I would have to lie to give them the answers they want so thats another thing that gives me the impression I am not what they'd be looking for.
I hate the way some companies screen for personality. That fact alone, makes me want to be self-employed. I mean really, it's a fast food place--do they really have to discriminate between personalities?
Well I can see why they need someone who loves fast paced work and is friendly...I mean its fast food people go in to order food real quick ideally they want a friendly cashier who works fast and effectively to get them their food. I have seen first hand how pissed of and almost verbally abusive people will get if its really busy and the cashier gets behind and is having a hard time keeping up.
I just find that practice so invasive and offensive. Seriously, why am I supposed to share my personality with my employer-- It should be enough that I'm willing to do the job. I don't want to become friends with them...or lovers...it's not marriage. It really bothers me.
Well yeah some of the questions were pretty invasive, which I was not very happy about, but a lot were more to determine if you can do the job effectively enough for them as well.
We won't go back.
[b]Well I can see why they need someone who loves fast paced work and is friendly...I mean its fast food people go in to order food real quick ideally they want a friendly cashier who works fast and effectively to get them their food. I have seen first hand how pissed of and almost verbally abusive people will get if its really busy and the cashier gets behind and is having a hard time keeping up.
Well yeah some of the questions were pretty invasive, which I was not very happy about, but a lot were more to determine if you can do the job effectively enough for them as well.
It just seems so entitled--I mean, I think they should be happy enough to find someone who's willing to work in a fast food place--not someone who's personality makes them the perfect fast food worker. I mean, who wants to think they've got the perfect personality for fast food anyway? I imagine that only a small population of people aspire for that.
It's not an ideal job for most people, so it irritates me that the company is looking for ideal candidates.
Maybe if they gave benefits and high wages, and actually treated their workers like they were valuable, they could go screening for the ideal fast-food personalities. It's just something that irks me, though I can see the logic of it for the company.
Edit: And I'm speaking as an American, because here, fast food workers get payed minimum wage with no health insurance, usually.
It's not an ideal job for most people, so it irritates me that the company is looking for ideal candidates.
Entitled? I'd rather clean toilets, and I have done. I'd last a matter of minutes before walking off the job in a fast food place. I know this from experience (not that particular job, but others with similar levels of interaction with the public). It's not always a question of being suited, sometimes it's a question of even being able to function in that capacity. If it involves interacting with the general public more than rarely, I can't do it.
It's got nothing to do with the wages or benefits, either.
I do think in some jobs personality screening is somewhat essential. In some fast food places you deal with the worst of the worst because diabetes as they say is a poor man's condition..they need to determine if you are the kind of person that is one of the following 2:
1) Would get on well with the manager.
2) Will put up with any sh*t people throw at them while doing their job fast enough to reduce the amount of sh*t throwing.
Well, entitled is a strong word.
And I'm sure I would see personality screening differently if I were an employer. But as a worker, it just irritates me. I think it's bad enough to be rejected from a job, but being rejected from a job for one's personality just seems like flinging mud on someone's eye.
I suppose some people don't realize what working in a fast food restaurant would be like, so they need to be screened out. Though I would assume that the majority of people applying to the job would be familiar with what it entails, and would be applying because they thought they would like to try working there. A simple explanation of what the job entails, and the question, "do you still want to apply?" seems like it would serve the same function as screening, and it would be more respectful of the worker's dignity.
Edit: And I work in a kind of door to door sales type job. This job is nothing like anything I've ever done. I have social anxiety, am not a smooth talker, have thin skin, and a history of low self esteem. If I were to have been screened by personality, I doubt I would have been considered an ideal candidate. I had serious doubts before applying, but I figured that this job might help my to strengthen the weaker skills. I actually broke the record for sales in the first day (since then, things have evened out more). But, the screening is irritating to me because it seems to demean the applicant's will power--and it seems to suggest that the employer is better capable of evaluating what the applicant's personality is capable of, with their silly little questionnaire, then the applicant is. I totally agree with people who want to avoid certain types of work because of their personality, but I just think employers should give a little more credit to personal will power and the individuality of the applicant, instead of trying to type them and decide what their value is based on a personality test.
So entrepreneurs are all criminals.

The economy is moving away from employment and more towards self-employment - what you say couldn't be further from the truth in the present environment. Employment is rapidly becoming something only peons like me do, as more and more people are becoming freelance contractors, or producers in their own right (eg making products and selling them, or becoming traders like on ebay etc).
The economy couldn't even function if everyone was an employee - who would there be to hire them?
This is good and bad...I mean hopefully some of these self employed people will still want to hire people to help with the work. I don't see how I would self employ myself. For one I have very, very low self confidence, and the financial aspect of trying to run my own buisiness would be hell considering I fail at math and really don't understand a lot of the paper work. I mean if I could make income I suppose I could hire someone to do that but the issue would be getting in a position to do so.
Everytime I've tried to do the self employed bit it has ended in disaster for me.
I have no problem honing a skill to the level where people are impressed enough to exchange decent money for what I can do, but being self employed is incredibly social, you actually have to sell yourself to other people and negotiate in order to actually get any work and I fail epically at that.

I can't really see it for myself either, but I'm just saying, making money as something other than an employee is possible and it certainly isn't shady, as sally7171 claimed. Every small business owner does it. Employees wouldn't even exist without it.
My grandfather used to build canoes; the tools are still around, including the mold, and if I could learn to do it and find a space to do it in, I'd love to do that. I don't think the paperwork or math is all that hard unless you're making many sales of small things, but handmade wood and canvas canoes are big-ticket items, 2-3 thousand dollars apiece, and one person can only put out 1 or 2 a month. So not many sales to track.

I mean I think if it comes down to mowing lawns or getting SSI I'll go for the SSI...better for me and others because its better if I don't go over the edge and possibly cause harm to anyone

So because you don't want your mind occupied by the work you don't like, you get to take the social safety net that others work to contribute to?
That's sad. I go to work 5 days a week, I don't like it all the time, I go to meetings and they are the last things I want to do, but I do them because sometimes you have to do things you don't want to do.
I wish I could quit my job and take welfare so I could only do the things I like to do; but the world doesn't work that way.
Social safety is for those who truly need it; and even those should give back as much as they can (volunteer, etc). People who truly need it, I have no problem with taxes paying to help them.
I was raised that you do whatever job you can to provide for yourself. You don't take hand outs unless you have no other option.
Cheers to thewhitrbbit. At least thewhitrbbit has the personal responsibility to support himself and do what he's gotta do.
If only the rest of our society was like you, man.

Joined: 6 Jan 2011
Age: 35
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Location: Somewhere in Colorado
Thank you everyone who gave helpful suggestions....and I will put some to use. Probably odd jobs and things like house sitting, house cleaning or pet sitting.
This isn't not a job, but I will probably give painting houses a try......and if that does not work out I suppose I could inquire at the various thrift stores or maybe libraries hire every once in a while.
We won't go back.
Oh, another idea I've seen a lot lately. Tag sales. 7 days a week. I've seen lots of people do this. Just have a tagsale sign up all the time throughout the day, selling their stuff. You can find stuff in the trash to sell, or resell other stuff you buy at tag sales or thrift stores. Some places require permits for tag sales, so it depends really, if you'll not be bothered about tag sale permits, or you can get like a permanent permit or something. But it's an idea. I THINK, though, that garage sales might not need permits and tag sales might, some places have weird loopholes like that.
I'm not sure what the difference is between tag sales and garage sales if there is any but I know that where I live you have to buy a permit and there are rules on how often you can have them and how long you can have them. After my last one I said never again after I had one and only got 3 paying customers all day, two of which were my relatives. I've almost always done bad at yard sales.
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