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20 Mar 2013, 9:02 pm

GoshEvan wrote:
I wish we were all still out hunting in the wild for stuff instead of some fake being in power selling us everything and making it "convenient" as they say it's not really convenient someone just stole everything and sold it back to us.

lol, that is so true. We pay for water, we pay for plots of land, we pay for seeds and plants. Next we'll be paying for oxygen.


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20 Mar 2013, 9:12 pm

HarrisDE wrote:
Auties are pushed around a LOT, to say the least. Here's the thing, though: we don't have to be!

Concentrate on your strengths, because that draws the attention of others TO THOSE STRENGTHS. You'll become more confident, which will allow you to step out, if even just a tiny bit, of your comfort zones, thereby expanding them, allowing further expansion. Personal growth is not something that just happens, unlike that beard that grows because you never shave to leave the house. It takes WORK, but it can happen for anyone.

I hear a lof of "I don't have social skills," or "I get overwhelmed," or "I don't qualify." These statements concentrate on a problem. Stating the problem does nothing to RESOLVE it. You don't have social skills? Challenge yourself to find something that you genuinely like about every person, letting that thing make you smile genuinely. Experiment with small talk, because it's for talking to ANYONE. You get overwhelmed? List things that calm you down and find a way to INTEGRATE them into your daily life, and especially in stressful situations. You don't qualify? List goals, even if for a retail job, then come up with a plan of action to attain skills for that job.

Just don't be surprised that nothing changes when you do nothing about it.

I didn't like living at home. I moved out.
I didn't like paying my boyfriend's bills and putting up with his emotional BS. I broke up with him and went to school.
I didn't want to pay out the ass in student loans. I applied for and WON scholarships to take the financial edge off.
I didn't like working at McDonald's when I was laid off from my educated profession. I worked my ass off for 2 months at 3 jobs to save money, bought a plane ticket to Germany and jetted out.
I'm still in Germany, in a MUCH better place than when I got here. That didn't happen because I sat around. Well, I did sit around, but it ultimately led to me acting against a frustrating situation to make it BETTER.

:claps: I think this post deserves it's own thread.

I'm not saying the world is full of roses (it sure is'nt), but sometimes you need to work towards something.

Our first challenge is to create an entire economic infrastructure, from top to bottom, out of whole cloth.
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21 Mar 2013, 11:01 am

Joe90 wrote:
I seem to be caught up in a depressed state of mind where I really don't want to work. It's not because I'm lazy and just want to scrounge off the government. It's because the thought of HAVING to be somewhere for the rest of my life, week in week out, and not even getting a retirement at the end of it (because by the time I get to 60 the retirement age will most probably have moved up to about 99), it all just really depresses me. Plus I think I'm too weird to work, I know everyone at work thinks I'm weird and I don't like being forced to be with people who think I'm weird, however nice they are. I know they think I'm weird because I have said things in odd ways before and I give off this weird vibe anyway.

I just wish I could just win the lottery and give up work completely, buy myself a nice little house away from other people, and just do some voluntary work near by, and maybe find myself a nice man who also is rather solitary, and just keep my life simple and easy without being under pressure by anyone. That's what I want.

OK, I know this is everyone's dream really, I'm sure over half of the population would rather not have to work at all, and I am not a workaholic like some people are, so if I had the opportunity I would leave work forever and not even hand in my notice. I know this sounds very depressing but God help me I wish I could live a simple life. I wish I was rich. Anyone else wish so hard that you didn't have to work?

See if you can find a job which lets you make the most of your strengths and involves less of your weaknesses. This might be easier said than done but it can't hurt to try doing some research anyway.

I occasionally think like this as well - like why should I spend so much of my life working? But I think even with a full time job there's still time to enjoy the rest of life (as most people do). So for me I plan to get a full time job but not one that involves working hours far in excess of the average person (I don't really understand people who do so). Also I thought the retirement age was just a maximum age you stop working (and certainly won't be 99 during our lifetimes).

A smile costs nothing :)