giaam wrote:
One helpfull part of being AS is when some people get confrontational, I've no idea because I'm not reading them right, sometimes this tends to diffuse the situation.
I've noticed that's true with me, too.
I teach history at a junior college as an adjunct. I like working part time because it frees me up the rest of the time to divulge in my passions (what others call obesessions, I guess). I will be taking grad classes in geography this fall in order to teach as an adjunct in geography, which will give me more diversity. And, I'm crazy about regional planning. Ask me about it and I'll never shut up.
To pay off my student loan, I also work full time as an admin for a museum, plus I have an AS son and an AS husband (he's into electronics and vintage video games). I HATE admin work and can't wait to dump that job in August - I've got my escape all planned out...
A long time ago, I was a social worker. That was the most painful job I ever had. I don't think people with Aspergers make good social workers, at least not me. I never knew when I could be nice, when I wasn't nice enough, when people were lying to me, what and what I could not say... it was the most confusing three months of my life.