I was fired for "sexual harrasment" last december.
The difference between harassment and flirting is how attractive the person doing it is.
Not really. There is a such thing as sexual harrassment. It is real, and a real problem. However, not to deny the seriousness of harrassment at all, some people do scream harrassment when approached by an unattractive person.
Take a look at this website and note how many of the complaints focus on the unattractive qualities of the "harrasser" rather than any intimidating or excessively persistent behavior.
Oh no! How dare a bald man say excuse me! Sexual harrassment!

actually now that i read it again, most of those guys really were harrassers. never mind : )
First, I'm very sorry for you. They firing you is very unfair. The only way I could make sense of this is:
- you first ask her: Maybe she somehow conveyed non-verbally that she is not interested in you at all and thought that you would understand it. Normal girls dont say "No", but rather make up an excuse. Of course as an aspie you didnt get this :/
- you ask for her number: This is the only step you could theoretically have noticed something. You asked for her number and you didnt get it. This should tell you something. In my experience, girls saying "give me yours" is just an excuse, they never call. If she did want a date, why wouldnt she give you her number? Obviously, you didnt understand that and obviously she thought that she made her intentions clear, that she didnt want the date with you.
- you ask if she got it: Well you act totally logically to you, but not to her. Maybe it feels to her, that despite her showing alot of resistance, you still dont leave her alone?
All in all her reaction is not insane, she probably thought she made her intentions of not dating you clear. NT's are that way, if she had just told you so, nothing would have happened
That they fired you is quite ourageous. But I dont think you can consider legal action. In the end, it was neither her fault nor your fault (you have 0 fault in this I think). Just try to put it behind you! You woulndt want to work for such unfair employers anyway.