Sweetleaf wrote:
Based on this I could very well be somewhat screwed...beings I am 25 on SSI. I mean its like even if I did become functional enough to work..is anyone really going to hire someone over 25 who only has a highschool diploma, is a college drop out and essentially has no work history and has been living of disability income? So yeah but I would hope someday I could figure something else out aside from crappy SSI income.
I am on SSI too, our ages are sort of close and I have the same credentials as you. The only job I can really think of myself possibly being able to thrive in would be a vet assistant or something with animals (NOT ANIMAL CONTROL). I'm considering trying to go to school again but I really don't know if its even worth trying. I'm really depressed over it.
I tried the military too and got sent home, bootcamp made me worse in terms of my mental illnesses I have.
TO ALL OF YOU POSSIBLY CONSIDERING THE MILITARY (any branch): If you have stuff like tics, stemming etc I would stay far away. People with aspergers do join, but they tend to be far more functional and while they do struggle in bootcamp initially (everyone does) they turn out well. If you have ANY kind of severe mental illness, like depression, bipolar, borderline etc the military will only be a nightmare for you. If you're someone who has trouble getting up to speed you'll get a lot of tough love but it reaches a point where you hinder everyone else in bootcamp because of your screw ups so people will start resenting and isolating you, even hating you, because in bootcamp when ONE person screws up everyone is punished and the eyes have walls, literally.
Every drill sergeant/RDC/whatever the airforce has, is watching you, taking notes on a card and swapping em with their other buddies. Expect endless mind games while you're constantly under the eye of scrutiny.
Its sink or swim, literally. If you screw up and struggle so much the RDC/drill guy (mean guy in charge of your group) is going to put you in special courses that may or may not help you (stuff like handling stress, how to cope etc) but this will also push back your graduation and mean you have to be in boot camp longer and bootcamp is hell, literally. I was in that exact same position and realized how much I missed home, how I was screwing up at everything, my entire ship hated me, bullied me and I was not showing any improvement. I finally came forward to my RDC and told him I had tried to kill myself before and lied about my medical record to get in at the recommendation of my recruiter and I started cutting myself with my razor. I was sent home. I couldn't take it anymore, I was and still am weak.
Yes, you can manage and survive if you have just aspergers. Aspergers and asd are often coupled with other mental illnesses, however.
Contrary to what people may say, the military is NOT for everyone. Yes you will get disciplined heavily but a lot of people I notice are under the false notion that discipline fixes everything, I was this way and thought with my myriad of problems I could be fixed with cold hard discipline. It didn't work.