MissDorkness wrote:
I feel you on all that.
I really enjoyed my week of working in the quiet and dim privacy I had during this migration.
Friday afternoon I was back to the cube farm...
OMG SO LOUD. everyone talking over me. Some high pitched giggling. Lots of folks moving around. No sunglasses. Ugh.
I had to give up on concentrating and finally joined in. I never know how my inane babbling is received. Blerg. Everyone's too nice and inclusive to tell me what an idiot I am, so it makes me paranoid. ~shrugs~
Well, more people are being crammed into my area, with six new cubes being built. Again, all young and female, and more of a marketing geared team, so they have to collaborate far more than we do. It was loud enough already, I am so dreading this.
Chances are that I'll be moved away from the window and be in the center of a high-traffic area, with people able to move behind me. UGH! So dreading. Yes, I have spoken to my boss about it. No, I haven't told him specifically about my sensory issues, but, I've heavily hinted at them, and, while he understands, he doesn't control where the other managers stake out their employee cubes.
BUT, even if I do get stuck in the middle, one thing I did learn for certain this morning... I will NOT be sitting next to the same chatty young woman anymore.
She's super nice, but, never stops talking and giggling and it grates on my nerves so badly.
It's a relief to know there will be some space put between us.