gbollard wrote:
wsmac said:
I'm always being told I need a girlfriend... or a pet... so I'll go home!
a pet... you mean you DON'T have kittens at home on a skateboard?
Not anymore... they stole it and headed to SoCal for the surf and lady kitties!
Seriously, these were kittens I took in from my backyard, got them checked out at the vet's and adopted them out to three good families.
We had a whole thread on this a little while back.
I tried to take care of them, but I don't consider myself a good 'pet owner'.
I still have the skateboard though!
Tonight at work, I had a nurse tell me I was sexy without my beard (I am growing it back currently and she likes me without it I guess).
Now if only I could get around to asking if she'd like to go out to dinner or something.
NAW.. nice fantasy, but not likely to happen.
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