I work in a charity shop at the moment and I get very anxious when I'm put on the till for more than half an hour or so. I don't like to say no, because the managers have a lot of paperwork to do and very little time to do other things, and we don't get many other volunteers in either, so it's always left to me to sit on the till. I feel afraid that customers might take advantage of my unconfidentness because of my lack of confidence to ''speak up''. One time a woman came in and I saw that she had scribbled a lower price over the given price, and I said, ''that's supposed to be 4.99, not 2.00,'' and the woman just said, ''no, it must have been reduced.'' I don't like starting arguments with people I don't know, so I said, ''all right, it's 2.00 then.'' I knew I'd get in trouble if the managers knew I was letting the customers get away with having things for less than what they were.
It's all very well to tell me that I should try my hardest to speak up, but my AS holds me back from doing this. That's why it's advisory for me not to work somewhere where I've got to deal with people, because I let them get away with murder.
It's my low self-esteem too. Customers can see I'm a shy, nervous mug just by looking at me, so they know to take advantage of it.