Who else has been fired or banned from Wal-Mart...

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You have been:
Banned from Wal-Mart 4%  4%  [ 3 ]
Fired from Wal-Mart 1%  1%  [ 1 ]
Fired and banned from Wal-Mart 1%  1%  [ 1 ]
None of the above, but you don't shop there anyway 63%  63%  [ 50 ]
None of the above, but you DO shop there... (STOP!! !) 31%  31%  [ 25 ]
Total votes : 80


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08 Oct 2008, 10:00 pm

Nutterbug wrote:
mikebw wrote:
I did a really bad and stupid job of shop lifting. Banned me from every Wal-Mart for life.

I offered to pay for the cheap item, I had the money on me. But they'd rather get a couple hundred $ and ban me losing thousands of $ from my business over my life time at the risk of losing some petty change every blue moon.

But they don't know if it's only once a blue moon or if you're a habitual shoplifter. They'd rather not take any chances, and there's a principle to it too.

The fact that you're justifying your action shows a lack of repentance, and I wouldn't want you in my store either.

Well, they're so impersonal that they don't know me at all and probably had no idea of my spending history. But going on the fact that I spent over $100 that day, just before they stopped me as I headed out the door should tell them that the item that was worth 10% of what I paid for is rather minor in comparison, their losses whatever they could potentially be are practically insignificant. Banning me lost them far more money, of course they don't really care because they get so much business my money is piddly. And that is the point of this thread and my post. If they cared about their customers/employees they wouldn't be so impersonal and uncaring.

If they had known me at all or cared they would have let me pay for the item and gave me a warning rather than going for maximum prosecution, which they make no exception for.

You'll have to explain to me how I was justifying my action. I am stating facts. If your store was as heartless as Wal-Mart, I would be happy to never shop there again.

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12 Mar 2011, 11:50 am

someone wrote:
The computer makes the decisions at Wal-Mart, managers just follow along like blind puppets because they can be fired for ANY breach of policy just like any peon can... but by your honesty on this question - and probably a few others - you may have cheated some peons out of having a good boss. Think of it this way, the computer only gives a score and has no clue of right or wrong - some moron programmed ruthlessness to be a virtue on the automated test.

Sounds like Finland there. Except that Finland has people to apply messed-up rules, and nobody knows how to make a good decision.


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14 Mar 2011, 1:11 am

I didn't get fired, though I probably would have eventually if I hadn't quit. I worked overnights in grocery. It was, without a doubt, the most frustrating, depressing, and degrading job I've ever had. The managers don't have any real control, they just do what someone further up the food chain tells them to. It didn't matter how much work you got done, they would still threaten to fire you if you didn't work harder, even if we stocked everything that came in, and everything out of the back that could go out they would still get mad because they said we should be doing more. Some nights they would pull us into meetings that would last anywhere from 30 minutes to a couple of hours, and then they would get mad and refuse to let us clock out because we didn't do everything we were suppose to. It's the only job where I got hurt regularly, as in, at least once a week.

What pissed me off the most was the bonuses. Every three months all the employees get a share of the stores profits. Or at least they are supposed to... but any work that has to be done around to store comes out of that bonus. So when the floor scrubbers broke down (because they never do any maintenance) the $14k dollars it took to fix them comes out of the "store money" which funds the bonus. Same thing with the $30-40k that went to replacing wiring that had been installed wrong when the store was built.
In the end, what would have been a nearly $600 bonus became a $17 bonus... talk about insulting.

In the end, I'm ashamed to admit that I still shop at walmart, I don't like to, but there aren't many other options around here. I'm really, really broke, and walmart by far the cheapest option around, plus, it's only about a mile from my apartment.

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16 Mar 2011, 2:02 am

I have a ban from wal-mart, a self imposed ban.

Makes it easier, since there are none in my country....


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16 Mar 2011, 7:17 am

Frankly, the only way to be banned from Wal-Mart is to be caught stealing or have some kind of outburst that make them scared enough to call in the cops.

Being fired....Wal-Mart has some pretty low hiring and termination standards...except for accusations of sexual harassment or if they downsize you to hire someone who will do your job for less.

I worked for Wal-Mart for 3 months. Couldn't stand how brain-dead they did everything...I knew there had to be something better than that for me. So, I quit and moved on.


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16 Mar 2011, 8:17 am

My ex-boyfriend used to shoplift from Walmart constantly in the 90's. He'd outright steal and then he'd also swap price tags. My red suede parka is something he swapped price tags and paid 80% less for than marked. I didn't know until after and he wouldn't tell me because I didn't approve. He started doing it to get lego blocks and accessories for his dremmel. He couldn't seem to stop doing it. He never got caught.

I've applied several times to Walmart over the years. I've worked some retail and done well; but, for some reason, I've never been good enough for Walmart. Maybe it's my history of providing customer service and giving a crap. That might disqualify me.


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16 Mar 2011, 8:35 am

wefunction wrote:
I've applied several times to Walmart over the years. I've worked some retail and done well; but, for some reason, I've never been good enough for Walmart. Maybe it's my history of providing customer service and giving a crap. That might disqualify me.

The easiest way to NEVER be offered a job is to insist on a reliable schedule.

They love that outdated scheduling computer. If you don't agree to 24/7 availability for work, they don't want you.


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16 Mar 2011, 1:53 pm

sinsboldly wrote:
I couldn't get hired at Walmart, as the long questionaire they made me fill out had one question about situational ethics that I flunked, big time.

it was a blessing I didn't get the job, though. really.

The fact that a company such as Walmart is doling out ethics questionnaires makes me laugh, but not in a good way...

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18 Mar 2011, 12:42 am

zer0netgain wrote:
wefunction wrote:
I've applied several times to Walmart over the years. I've worked some retail and done well; but, for some reason, I've never been good enough for Walmart. Maybe it's my history of providing customer service and giving a crap. That might disqualify me.

The easiest way to NEVER be offered a job is to insist on a reliable schedule.

They love that outdated scheduling computer. If you don't agree to 24/7 availability for work, they don't want you.

No kidding, they actually fired a couple of people for wanting to change their availably... and you can forget asking for a day off, you have to ask at least 3 months in advance and nine out of ten times they refuse.

The fact that a company such as Walmart is doling out ethics questionnaires makes me laugh, but not in a good way...

I found that odd as well.... though the worst part of trying to get a job there is the 16+ hours of brain-washing you get as "orientation".


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18 Mar 2011, 11:28 am

MooCow wrote:
zer0netgain wrote:
wefunction wrote:
I've applied several times to Walmart over the years. I've worked some retail and done well; but, for some reason, I've never been good enough for Walmart. Maybe it's my history of providing customer service and giving a crap. That might disqualify me.

The easiest way to NEVER be offered a job is to insist on a reliable schedule.

They love that outdated scheduling computer. If you don't agree to 24/7 availability for work, they don't want you.

No kidding, they actually fired a couple of people for wanting to change their availably... and you can forget asking for a day off, you have to ask at least 3 months in advance and nine out of ten times they refuse.

That doesn't explain when I was younger and had every availability under the sun. I wonder if they don't hire people who've worked for competitors? Nowadays I definitely wouldn't fit. I need every Saturday morning off for my daughter's soccer game and every Sunday morning off for church. Nevermind that I'd be owed those days off via labor laws, anyway. :wink:

Anyway, something tells me I'm not missing anything. It's just funny that they reject me.


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18 Mar 2011, 2:02 pm

I have tried to work there twice and failed the "interpersonal skills questionaire" twice. And I never get any FEEDBACK. I would like to know what I got wrong and WHY!! !

I have never been banned, but I have been kicked out. Buggy surfing and generally being loud and annoying. My friends (at the time) also got kicked out. Most of the employees that saw us giggled. The manager had a stroke (not literally) and began to foam at the mouth (not literally).

I think I know. I don't think I know. I don't think I think I know. I don't think I think.

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18 Mar 2011, 3:01 pm

f**k it, i won't lie i got hired back in jan 11'

What is it like well its what i call WAGE SLAVERY. my hours are eratic, i get paid a few dimes over minimum. my manager is an indiot who isn't even aware who i am or what deptment i work for she is by the way in charge of my dept. no advancement
WALMART is the epitome of what wrong for american jobs. i can't go to school because i will lose hours. i can't transfrer either.

oh and my boss has mercy for disabled employees especially ones like me.


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19 Mar 2011, 12:56 am

wefunction wrote:
MooCow wrote:
zer0netgain wrote:
wefunction wrote:
I've applied several times to Walmart over the years. I've worked some retail and done well; but, for some reason, I've never been good enough for Walmart. Maybe it's my history of providing customer service and giving a crap. That might disqualify me.

The easiest way to NEVER be offered a job is to insist on a reliable schedule.

They love that outdated scheduling computer. If you don't agree to 24/7 availability for work, they don't want you.

No kidding, they actually fired a couple of people for wanting to change their availably... and you can forget asking for a day off, you have to ask at least 3 months in advance and nine out of ten times they refuse.

That doesn't explain when I was younger and had every availability under the sun. I wonder if they don't hire people who've worked for competitors? Nowadays I definitely wouldn't fit. I need every Saturday morning off for my daughter's soccer game and every Sunday morning off for church. Nevermind that I'd be owed those days off via labor laws, anyway. :wink:

Anyway, something tells me I'm not missing anything. It's just funny that they reject me.

That probably had a lot to do with it, when I got hired I had to sign a thing saying that I wouldn't work for any of the company's that competed with walmart.


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19 Mar 2011, 1:24 pm

iamnotaparakeet wrote:

3> if you get on the bad-side of any manager, quit before they invent false accusations.

Why not at least invoke the Americans with Disabilities Act and at least raise a bit of Heck?