I spent twenty or more years doing contract work, software startups, more contract work, and so on. Then I stuck around for a while - managed three years. Changed companies, managed four years and an MBA before I was redundant.
That was the year I turned fifty, and sat around applying for jobs for four months before finally landing a three week contract. That was seven years ago. I've gotten through the aspergers diagnosis and getting used to it phases, and of course I still deliver results.
Last time I had to apply for the job I was doing, I was asked in the interview about my response to the must communicate well essential criterion - I spoke of aspergers then. Today I had to submit an application for the job I was doing, and talked of aspergers in the application. My feeling is that this organisation has been selecting for aspie techs for a long time, because the percentage of odd individuals approaches 50 in the areas around me. There's a significant OHS&W liability in that, I'm starting to suspect. Problem is, none of them know about it. Except me, and I can't keep my mouth shut.