Mercenaries / Paramilitary operatives with Asperger's

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Blue Jay
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11 Jun 2013, 5:09 pm

Lonermutant wrote:
You know that the recruiters even try to enlist learning disabled kids as cannon fodder?

Yeah, but I bet those kids who have more severe symptoms can only fulfill supply / logistical roles. Those types of things where people with classic autism and Asperger's are only enlisted into only two professional armies, Israel and Iran.


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11 Jun 2013, 5:10 pm

Get real, and get some kind of job that doesn't require any social skills, if you can find one.

Blue Jay
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11 Jun 2013, 5:16 pm

No way. This is what I've wanted to do since my sophomore year in high school. I'm not gonna do something else simply because someone, whether they be autistic or not, didn't like it and / or they felt uncomfortable with it. This is my dream job.


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11 Jun 2013, 5:20 pm

AutisticAmerican24 wrote:
Also, it's a felony impersonating military personnel in the United States. It's referred to as The Stolen Valor Act. Google it.

Slight tangent, but the Stolen Valor Act was ruled unconstitutional by the Supreme Court and was struck down.

Carry on.

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11 Jun 2013, 5:39 pm

Yes, but it's still a federal crime / felony to impersonate military personnel.


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12 Jun 2013, 12:08 am

AutisticAmerican24 wrote:
No way. This is what I've wanted to do since my sophomore year in high school. I'm not gonna do something else simply because someone, whether they be autistic or not, didn't like it and / or they felt uncomfortable with it. This is my dream job.

Rude awakening coming up...

Blue Jay
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12 Jun 2013, 12:44 am

And uhh no, you're not.


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12 Jun 2013, 9:37 am

There is something to be said about when you really want something.

Blue Jay
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12 Jun 2013, 12:50 pm

What are you talking about ? He's trying to tell me that Aspies cannot be in the military and if they are, they can only do grunt work. So, not only is he wrong, he seriously needs to update, check, and then double check and then verify his information. Because not only have Aspies have been in the military, they've held positions like combat engineer, infantry, and officers. So, that being said, I've already said and given my fill. But Lonermutant's information doesn't even come close to filling up the tank. So he's the one who displaced and wrong here, not me.


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12 Jun 2013, 1:49 pm

Exactly. He's saying you can't do it, your saying you can.

When you really want something, you find a way. :)


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14 Jun 2013, 11:44 pm

^^ That!

To add a little, when I enlisted, I was thinking about special forces, I hadn't run a full mile before I signed up. When I actually got to basic, I realized I'd be lucky to pass the 2-mile run and deal with the drill sergeants for 9 weeks.

I admire your tenacity (and believe me, tenacity can work wonders just about anywhere), but there is a lot of prep work that goes into being a good soldier. You'll need the tenacity to rough out the edges.

On a side note, H.J. Poole is a really good author of subjects involving light infantry tactics and perspective. He doesn't dish out a bunch of praise to U.S. troops, instead he shows them in a critical light and explores how our opponents outmanuver us. Most people in the U.S. don't appreciate the eastern mindset when it comes to war.

I'm a math evangelist, I believe in theorems and ignore the proofs.


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15 Jun 2013, 11:18 pm

Autistic people absolutely can, and should, be in the military if it is their passion. And there are a lot of NTs who would make terrible soldiers. Military service is usually a prerequisite for private security careers, like police work is usually a prerequisite for "bounty hunting".

You know what? Go for it. I've known autistic people who were in the army and they had a good time. I really don't know if it's considered that problematic considering that military recruitment numbers are low.


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16 Jun 2013, 8:27 pm

AutisticAmerican24 wrote:
But you have to understand, we have to be very careful about who we receive assignments from. If we're hired by like say, someone's who Middle Eastern and if people from that person's military, government, country or members of a militant / insurgent faction in that country are suspected / confirmed of supporting, helping those sorts of people who slaughter and bully innocent people, well then it's quite obvious that mercenaries that have Asperger's can't / won't accept contracts from those types of people who refuse to slaughter innocent people, be sadistic or racist due to their extensive and strict moral and ethical code which is derived, brought down from their Asperger's.

Lol, real mercs are not the A-Team. I also don't think people with Aspergers have magically better or more strict ethical standards. Real mercs just get govt. contracts and call it a day. I didn't know when you made this thread you were talking about Soldier of Fortune type of fantasy stuff. Everything's government contracts now. You're simply an "independent contractor." Much of it also has to do with intel gathering.

This is a real merc like you're talking about. ... d=all&_r=0
He shot two people under suspicious circumstances in Pakistan. Pakistan wanted to try him for murder. US got him extradited here by strong arming Pakistan. The proper term is more "spy" but generally you work for the government and do all sorts of bad s**t. Only bad s**t.

Aspies work well for these jobs if you don't mind being sociopathic. I don't trust a government to have my back, though. I think in the government's case they'd much rather use someone with Aspergers as a fall guy or patsy due to our social ineptitude/"freakiness" or what have you.

Here's how REAL LIFE spys/mercs work. The Fowden NSA leaker told this story. There was a Swiss banking official. The US wanted access to some accounts. The US intel people got him drunk. Then called the Swiss police to get him in trouble for drunk driving. Then they came to his rescue if he agreed to help them in a "deal" to look at a few Swiss bank accounts.

This type of stuff, basically spying/etc, requires lots of cleverness and social skills. I have a friend who's able to do this well, who has some Aspie tendencies. For example, he worked for a restaurant and wanted intel on a competing restaurant. So he couldn't go in there, as they'd know he's an employee of the competing restaurant. So he hires an escort/hooker off Craigslist to go in there and eat and take a bunch of notes. She did that.

My friend even suggested for me, there was a particular person who I suspected more or less stole my car, or was behind stealing it. He recommended I find an escort off craigslist who was addicted to drugs to hang out with this person. Then he'd be with a bad girl and be addicted to drugs. Thus his life would be ruined. Call myself not by my real name, meet her somewhere and give the assignment, use a Tracfone, and thus it'd never get back to me. That's how real life intelligence work is. Use "disposable" people to accomplish your goals. In this case, escorts.

Look at the killing of the sniper Chris Kyle. VERY suspicious circumstances of his death. Now, you could say it was a vast CIA conspiracy. Maybe. But maybe it was just one employee who rather easily orchestrated it under similar circumstances of what I've described above?

So if you want to be a "disposable person" then be my guest. That's real merc work.


Anyway, if you want sorta kinda merc work without being a shady intelligence worker (besides Blackwater/etc, which requires prior military experience,) there's always bodyguard and bail enforcement jobs. Bodyguard they generally want you to be a big strong powerlifter looking dude who's trained in weapon's use, and looking intimidating. Bail enforcement requires social skills, as you again, have to get intel on people who've jumped bail. Bail enforcement would be the only LEO job I'd feel comfortable doing, as at least I know the person is guilty of stealing the bail bondsman's insurance money.


As far as morals or whatever. That's relative. Unless you have both sides of the story, you won't ever know who's right or wrong. In the Raymond Davis story for example, who's right or wrong? Pakistan or US? It'd be up to you to convince yourself.

Blue Jay
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17 Jun 2013, 8:17 pm

Of course, we're not just some drunken, drug-induced guns for hire. You don't even have Asperger's, so you don't even know whether or not they have moral codes. And I can tell you, as a matter of fact, as an Aspie myself, me and other people with Asperger's do have extensive moral / ethical codes, that are even better than people who don't have any mental or physical disorders. Typically, nowadays, yes, most mercenaries do receive contracts from the U.S. government. But you have to understand, mercenaries can work for anyone. The only thing that they're interested in is money. It doesn't matter to them who they're hiring themselves out to or who hires them. I've heard of private military contractors that are being hired by industries as far away as the oil and gas sectors. And if they can work for anyone, they can certainly work for a multinational corporation, such as the company I'm gonna found once I graduate from college. And mercenaries with Asperger's certainly wouldn't / can't be psychotic, racist, slaughter / kill innocent civilians, or anti-religious or anything like that due to the symptoms of their disorder. They can be somewhat crazy though.

As for the disposable aspect of being a mercenary, I don't think that'll fly, because with the type, the amount and the level of training that we'll have access to, I don't think that anyone can beat us. Not even the military. Private security sounds nice though besides other types of work such as combat operations in Africa and the Middle East. You're right about one thing though. Besides being focused, adaptable and tolerant, both mentally and physically, we also have to be exceptionally physically fit and have prior special operations experience / training.

A. We don't have to investigate anything. We can simply pick whatever assignments that we choose / and / or that we feel comfortable with. Mercenaries with Asperger's also have to gather intelligence, trying to figure out who are the bad guys, who are the good guys, who are innocent people, and who is just a pain in the ass. After gathering intelligence / information, we have to consider the factors of the situation, the groups / individual(s) involved, the cause of the dispute / situation, how it can be resolved, what happened, when it happened, how it happened, why it happened and what the situation revolves around, make a decision and then act upon it.

2. If men with Asperger's do wish to become mercenaries after their discharge from Special Operations / Special Forces, then they have to be exceedingly clever, devious and ruthless to operate and survive in this type of world. After all, why engage in a gun-battle with Islamic militants or other types of enemy combatants when you can just call in a drone strike from a UAV equipped with air-to-surface missiles on enemy positions ?

3. As stated before in my response, intelligence is a critical part of being a contractor, as you can't just walk around without knowing, without having a clue as to what's out there. Still, why use binoculars to gather intelligence when you can use an Lockheed AC-130 with thermal / X-Ray vision among other types of vision / imaging to spy on the enemy from the air ?


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17 Jun 2013, 10:31 pm

I just got diagnosed with Aspergers like a month ago... again. I also have NVLD (I feel that's the main disorder.)

I hate this idea that people with Aspergers are all exceptionally superior to every other human and incapable of wrong. There's frankly tons of autistic/AS murderers around, it does not preclude to having super exceptional morality. If anything, due to lack of empathy, an AS person can "logic" their actions away. Hell, even Jeffrey Dahmer was diagnosed Aspergers.

Anyway, live in your mega l337 tactical super spec ops fantasy land.

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26 Jun 2013, 4:51 pm

I have often joked that I could be really good at that. Or as a hired assassin.
I can totally turn off emotions and make decisions based on facts only.
I only ever do that at home, though when I am alone, as I need some time to turn emotions and empathy back on. I was once in the emotionless-state in a social setting and I was a real a***hole!
So, I avoid doing it. It is a brilliant tool for studying, though! I retain much more.