kraftiekortie wrote:
I get you, Joel.
Do you have lots of RECENT experience?
If not, I might consider saying you had to take care of your father/mother for a while to account for the gaps.
You have to get lots of RECENT job experience under your belt. You really do, my friend.
yea I know all about the sick father/mother speech. Recent exp goes back to 2010? so there's been a gap but that gap shouldn't be a predetermine to the types of
meaningful jobs that I would like to get at this point I'm willing to write off the whole broadcast thing (for now) it was a nice delusional thought that perhaps there was a small glimmer of hope I'm more then willing to work in an office answering phones run copies draft up letters things of that nature. Will that happen I dunno I don't want retail or warehousing I dunno why that's hard for these " placement specialists" to understand? I get the feeling that it's a game toss an Autistic any job and he'll take it because he doesn't know any better.
WARNING: long back story to follow.
When I was in middle school/HS they had us doing the most remedial self serving boring BS job within the community strictly because the class had ID issues (which I really didn't an issue with but people didn't know I had Autism at the it was just hinted) hell when I mainstreamed in HS they had me placed in a community skills group and they'd go to Motorola and instead of helping the IT guys or developers with anything they shoved us in a cafeteria and told us to wipe tables and vacuum the floors. one day I actually was taking to one of the tech eng whom was working on a cell phone line I walked up to him and started to ask questions because what he was doing sparked an interest he was more then willing to talk with me my teacher found out and YANKED me away from the person and scolded me by saying you are NOT to talk with those people I asked why I'm very interested in what HE is doing and the teacher kinda scoffed and blew it off by saying your in special ed for a reason it's not like your going to get THAT type of job now back to what you were doing (washing tables) now x years later I'm finding out that perhaps remedial jobs are best suited for high functioning Autistics like me maybe it is just a stereotype that (High functioning) Autistics can function in a office/computer environment.....
Right now this lyric is sitting in my head.
"Some days I have to give right in to the blues Despite how I try to keep fightin' It's a sure shot I'm going to lose/When troubles want to find me, I ain't hard to find They know where I am Like a hungry pack of wolves when it's feeding time They tear up a man"
I'm pressing on not giving up hey I still have an education in front of at least some progress that can't be argued with
"I really wish I was less of a thinking man and more of a fool not afraid of rejection." ~ Billy Joel