kraftiekortie wrote:
It's a bummer that people have to go through hoops these days just to get gainful employment.
Did you get internships while you were in University? If you did, perhaps you could use them as references?
Unfortunately, due to timing, we did not. Our course was structed so that by the end of the second year, we had the option to go on to a placement and do internship work with companies that the University had connections with. However, it was also the time that the pandemic was at a particularly high point. A lot of companies withdrew since they didn't want to spend time training students when their business was on the line, so the whole placement scheme didn't happen that academic year. If I'd known that the pandemic would hit, then I would've tried to find something sooner...but then again, a lot of internships were aimed at second year students or final year, so I would've struggled to find something even in that case.
My final year was a no-go with internships, it was quite busy and things were well and truly locked down by then. Remote work may have been possible, but with my workload I don't think I could've done it realistically. I was also struggling with my mental health at time, I was physically exhausted and being stuck in my flat was getting to me. One time I looked out into another flat and saw what looked like a party, but there was only one person and instead of guests there were balloons on each seat with party hats on. So clearly it wasn't just me struggling. We used to write encouraging messages to each other on the windows using sticky notes, I appreciated seeing that - it helped. The messages varied, sometimes they were jabs at the university, or complaints about the government, or just a friendly hello. Seeing those messages made me feel...connected, in a way. They improved my day.
Anyway, I have the odd freelance gig, which I've listed, but it would be beneficial to have something more recent on there. That's why I'm seeking out volunteer experience, to try to bridge that gap. I'm still applying for junior positions though but unfortunately companies can sometimes ghost you. However, I've had one formal rejection so at least I'm not always ghosted.
I think that all I can really do is keep applying for jobs, work on projects to keep adding to my portfolio (plus it would be beneficial to have content to share on platforms such as LinkedIn...I also need to make a banner for my page), continue doing my volunteering work, possibly look for more volunteering work elsewhere and maybe take a free online course. Thankfully I have a spreadsheet to keep track of which jobs I've applied for. Looking for a job is basically a job in itself.
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25. Near the spectrum but not on it.