Are Aspies Unemployable - Who is working studying unemployed

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What is your Employment Status
1. Still Studying at School/Tech/University 29%  29%  [ 39 ]
2. Housewife or House-Husband 5%  5%  [ 6 ]
3. Employed Full Time 38%  38%  [ 51 ]
4. Employed Part Time or Casual 12%  12%  [ 16 ]
5. Unemployed Voluntarily - Not looking for a Job 16%  16%  [ 21 ]
Total votes : 133


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17 Mar 2008, 3:38 pm

I'm currently unemployed and out of school. I'm going to return to college once I move out of the city.


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17 Mar 2008, 4:00 pm

The earlier statistic is a little skewed in that it talks about autism in general but...

Then they give HFA and AS 12% full time employment.


They only deal with diagnosed aspies which...

1. Given the recency of the condition, generally means a majority of younger people - possibly even school age..

2. Older people who have been diagnosed tend to be the worse-affected. Most better adjusted aspies probably don't even question whether they have a condition or not.


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17 Mar 2008, 5:15 pm

Problem would also be the definition of fulltime. In The Netherlands fulltime differs according to the kind of work.

In IT it is 40 hours, normal companies around 38 hours, in government 36 hours (and a lot of holidays).

And the diagnosis is the same problem. I was diagnosed around 1988 with an unspecified PDD, they did not care to diagnose further. When I try to specify it is probably Aspergers, but that is not official.


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18 Mar 2008, 4:29 pm

Wow... I work 50 hours a week in IT but I only get paid/recognized for 40.

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19 Mar 2008, 3:04 pm

My problem is that if I don't get a job that I absolutely love, I get so depressed that it gets dangerous.
(Seriously. We're talking suicidal here)

The bats have left the bell tower
The victims have been bled
Bela Lugosi's dead
Undead undead undead
The virginal brides file past his tomb
Strewn with time's dead flowers
Bereft in deathly bloom
Alone in a darkened room


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19 Mar 2008, 3:25 pm

gbollard wrote:
Wow... I work 50 hours a week in IT but I only get paid/recognized for 40.

Well, I work more hours than 40. Some hours for free, others paid. 48 on average.


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19 Mar 2008, 4:28 pm

I've always had difficulty holding down jobs. In general, I was always considered a very good or model employee. But inside, I'm dying having to be around bpeople in a social setting. Most of my working life I did temporary work at various corporate law firms. A few places had offered me permanennt positions but I always declined. I felt I could never fit in entirely and always felt weird, out of place and akward in the office setting. Never felt liuke I belonged.

It seems that I vant keep a job too long as I get frustrated withthe work and people. Its sad and so I just end up quiting and make up an exuse as to why Im leaving. Told thme I need to pursue my flying career.

Between these jobs, I would take flying lessons and actually have my commerical pilot certificate and at one point I was flight instructing. This to, proved to be too much for me. Having to deal with co owrkers and new students on a daily basis.

It just sucks to be a high functioning aspie. you're damned if you do and dont in many ways. I have just enough to be sort of normal but still quirky and odd.

anyway, im always deathly afraidf of getting a new job. The whole interview process, meeting and greeting new coworkers and at my present job, when I got hired, we had to go out to a dept lunch. oh my god was that frightening for me. i coildnt eat or talk and when i did talk, i felt so nervous and my mind would go blank and i couldnt formulate speech. what did come out sounded so retardeed and it wasnt the way I wanted to present myself or speak in that way...

Tufted Titmouse
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23 Mar 2008, 3:33 pm

I just turned 21 a week and a half ago. I was in school up until then. I was in a school-to-work program for a couple of years, and I was doing office work. I liked it for the most part. Also because I would like to be with people that are likable, that was another advantage of where I was working.

Now, I turned 21 (the cut off of school services), and might get adult services after July. That's the key word, "might". The adult services are not an entitlement, and its subject to funding, mostly from state government.

In the state of New Hampshire (where I live), the governor said in his state of the state address that there won't be new funding for the state in general. The agency gets most of their funds through the state, and never mind they spend it making their new digs very ritzy instead of helping people like me out. And they can't just get private funding like Autism Speaks, for example, because that kind of organizations doesn't fund things like this, just trying to find a cure that I think isn't curable in this lifetime.

So now I am at least unemployed for the foreseeable future, and I feel like I am not going to get my services, therefore I am on my own. And that's scary.


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27 Mar 2008, 4:27 pm

Apparently I am employable! YAY!! 8)


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28 Mar 2008, 2:22 am

I just got hired as a bookkeeper for Vons, which will start out as part-time, but will likely end up with me working full-time.

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and intellect has intended us to forgo their use."
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28 Mar 2008, 8:37 am

Employed full time as an Electrician Journeyman Inside Wireman. I do construction, so there are periods where the jobs are slow coming in. Every year that I have been doing this has kept me noticeably above the mean income for my geographic area even when I have only worked 7 or 8 months out of a year. I'm damn good at my job, my bosses, union brothers and sisters know it. My Local's Officers have trusted me with contributing to or running projects to help get work in our area and being a liaison to the State Senate Majority Whips office during the Workmans Comp reform hearings. I have had numerous jobs in my life, whether it was emptying shitcans or technical work it has been done well, I would like to talk to anyone who wants to claim Aspies can't handle work.

Tufted Titmouse
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28 Mar 2008, 11:45 pm

I've been out of school and unemployed (looking) since August. I've been seeing a job-rehab counselor for most of that time. It's been extremely challenging finding anything resembling a position for a trained "political manager" who is unable to write professionally, work directly with the public or become a partisan lemming. My resume on the autism job site has gotten zero responses despite being up months and months. It's been almost impossible living with my irrational father the past few months.

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03 Apr 2008, 1:31 am

I don't doubt that I'm employable; the trick is finding that perfect job. My husband says I'm picky because I refuse to work in fast food and retail. I did fast food in high school and it was awful, and as far as retail, I couldn't sell a heater to an Eskimo. I would LOVE to find something I could do from home, but everything I've looked into has turned out scammy. So for now I sit here at home. I am going back to school to get my BA in creative writing, I started in October but took last semester off because I had surgery, I plan on starting up again in May.

Who to trust? My Cheerios say the Rice Krispies are crazy...


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03 Apr 2008, 3:54 pm

You get a BA in Creative writing? Is that to interpret other people's writing or to start writing yourself.

I thought writers just wrote... with no training.