I just turned 21 a week and a half ago. I was in school up until then. I was in a school-to-work program for a couple of years, and I was doing office work. I liked it for the most part. Also because I would like to be with people that are likable, that was another advantage of where I was working.
Now, I turned 21 (the cut off of school services), and might get adult services after July. That's the key word, "might". The adult services are not an entitlement, and its subject to funding, mostly from state government.
In the state of New Hampshire (where I live), the governor said in his state of the state address that there won't be new funding for the state in general. The agency gets most of their funds through the state, and never mind they spend it making their new digs very ritzy instead of helping people like me out. And they can't just get private funding like Autism Speaks, for example, because that kind of organizations doesn't fund things like this, just trying to find a cure that I think isn't curable in this lifetime.
So now I am at least unemployed for the foreseeable future, and I feel like I am not going to get my services, therefore I am on my own. And that's scary.