Blaming parents for not having a job
This is an awesome logical response. Your response is practicality. I agree with you but only to a certain extent. For me as an individual, it does serve little purpose other than being cathartic. By engaging in debate it does help me to improve my critical thinking skills. Here is where I see the problem of your logic. It is a logical paradox. Most people accept the practicality of what you say including you. Where your missing it is your not digging deep enough. The country is the way it is because people accept the futility of trying to blame the world and cause change. People accept the futility of trying to blame the world and change it because the masses accept it as the way it is and will not budge. It is a chicken or the egg or circular problem that is going on. In essence, practicality causes futility and futility causes practicality. Do you understand what I am saying?
Yes, this is true.
Exactly, whatever laws are in place they will make their processes fit the law. They will use the law to circumvent the law. This why laws will not help us. I believe our best bet is to go around the mountain instead of trying to climb it someway somehow.
Yes, certain things can happen and conditions can change.
The original poster helped me a great deal with their comments. I have had some anger towards my mom lately as well around not being able to find work although in my case I still am trying hard to find employment and have some more specific complaints. My mom encouraged me when I was an undergrad to stay on my SSDI because I needed the income to help me pay bills. I wanted to work a retail job and gain job experience but I wasn't really ready yet while going to school. If I had done so then I feel like now I'd be having an easier time finding employment if I had been successful however more than likely I would have gotten fired then not had the money to stay in college and would have been worse off. I don't even necessarily believe this issue is caused by Asperger's as a historian I can tell you in tough economic times people always look for a scapegoat to blame their problems on precisely because it's no one person's fault. Having Asperger's I can see though how for some of us that's just not an acceptable answer because we are convinced we can always figure the system out and find out what's going on at least I am. Maybe this is one of those times as with religion when we can't have a sure answer. My advice would be focus less on his anger towards his mom because that's probably not changeable right now and focus on convincing him that regardless of who's fault it is that he can't find work the quickest way for him to do so is to begin looking. Also if he feels he is smarter than most people remind him if this is true than he will be able to find work more quickly than somebody else could.
You seriously need help. Nothing you say is coherent, and it sounds like you are very intoxicated if you believe all the dribble you're saying about supposed conundrums and philosophical ramblings from one too many late night Wikipedia reads. Your comments make zero sense, other than lame attempts at sounding philosophical (and/or trolling).
Sound justification... that your life is responsibility? That society isn't responsible for paying your way and your bills? That bumming off welfare when you have the option to work is lazy and wasteful? Oh, come on.
LOL. No job = no income = no housing, food, and shelter. How exactly can you not grasp that you alone are responsible for providing for your own life?
Too funny. And, if you're not trolling, it's a sad statement about today's society if anyone could be so lacking in personal responsibility.
You make no sense. You believe in a system that has certain cultural values to it that make no sense in any kind of objective reality. Your beliefs are filled with inconsistencies and contradictions. All you do is parrot the same lines, the same metaphors, the same nonsensical statements that I've heard many times. You also through your own words support those who commit fraud and misrepresentation. You talk about personal responsibility when you support criminals and charlatans. What does this make you? You preach personal responsibility but do you know what my good sir. This is probably either going to get this thread locked or may get me banned or both. If the mods see fit to punish me then I will accept it with grace.
Through our thread exchanges I've gotten everything I've needed to know about you. Personally, I think you are a fraud and a charlatan. I think you know how to put on an act of appearing respectable and responsible. It's all fake and all a dog and pony show and I see right through your nonsense. You are like the pharisees. You put on a lot of pomp but that is all it is. The truth is you have an sense of entitlement and you know how to disguise it very well. You're game is up and your nonsense will not work with me. I see right through your BS, your deceptions and your lies.
I am taking responsibility for my life. I am doing things to improve myself but not in the conventional sense. This is another lie you just stated. The truth is I've been f*****g with you the whole time. The truth is those with your beliefs do not follow what you say. I will do as you say but not as you do. I will and am taking responsibility but I will not be a hypocrite like you and say and promote themselves as being responsible when they're actually not. The truth is you and those like you put down those who truthfully need help. You treat them like dog s**t and see yourself as superior to them. If this isn't what a narcisstic person who has no empathy with a high sense of entitlement than I don't know what is. You support criminals of the same caliber and you're scum like them.
Cubedemon I think you're just projecting a whole lot of unrelated issues you have with society onto other people here, not looking at ideas themselves and in isolation, but bringing in a massive load of perceived subtext, that just isn't there, simply because it bears a vague resemblance to (useless) things you've been told when in difficulty.
It is rather simple: in this world, no matter what species or what point in history, adults work to provide for themselves. It's just part of the physical reality of existance. Assistance such as that provided by society for the disabled, is a human notion that was created by society - it does not deviate from the physical reality in demanding adults support themselves, but it does in granting exemptions from this. That is a product of human and social ideals, not the physical reality.
Through our thread exchanges I've gotten everything I've needed to know about you. Personally, I think you are a fraud and a charlatan. I think you know how to put on an act of appearing respectable and responsible. It's all fake and all a dog and pony show and I see right through your nonsense. You are like the pharisees. You put on a lot of pomp but that is all it is. The truth is you have an sense of entitlement and you know how to disguise it very well. You're game is up and your nonsense will not work with me. I see right through your BS, your deceptions and your lies.
I am taking responsibility for my life. I am doing things to improve myself but not in the conventional sense. This is another lie you just stated. The truth is I've been f***ing with you the whole time. The truth is those with your beliefs do not follow what you say. I will do as you say but not as you do. I will and am taking responsibility but I will not be a hypocrite like you and say and promote themselves as being responsible when they're actually not. The truth is you and those like you put down those who truthfully need help. You treat them like dog sh** and see yourself as superior to them. If this isn't what a narcisstic person who has no empathy with a high sense of entitlement than I don't know what is. You support criminals of the same caliber and you're scum like them.
Too funny.
Please, call a helpline.
It is rather simple: in this world, no matter what species or what point in history, adults work to provide for themselves. It's just part of the physical reality of existance. Assistance such as that provided by society for the disabled, is a human notion that was created by society - it does not deviate from the physical reality in demanding adults support themselves, but it does in granting exemptions from this. That is a product of human and social ideals, not the physical reality.
Very true.
Wow- a lot of bellyaching on this thread....Most people I know got a mixed bag of information from their parents and schools.
In some areas of work, IT IS ALL ABOUT looks and personality- sales for example. In other areas, the school you go to DOES MATTER- in business they want the "blue chippers" I think my brother calls them- the kids with high GPAs from the "best " schools....
In engineering, they might look at what school you went to (in the mid west they are super impressed by my school, everywhere else- not so much) and your GPA but its often (not always) a very results driven field.
Bottom line, with the advent of the internet STOP WHINING and learn yourselves a thing or two b4 you go thigh high into college debt.
My parents were very imperfect, but I thank them for all the good stuff they did. I just texted my mom a thanks at 2 in the morning the other day for something- I cant remember what. GET OVER IT!
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You can argue with him to have fun and strengthen your critical thinking skills but to try to change his mind will be exercise in futility and frustration. I have argued with NTs who have had these similar beliefs. I can tell you from experience you're wasting your time. Why do I do it sometimes? I guess it is because I am a glutton for punishment, I have fun and it helps me to sharpen my skills. Sometimes I may have missed something in my own arguments I make. ... punishment
He has different perceptions and different life experiences than you and I. He is going by his own experiences, beliefs and perceptions. My advice to you Sweetleaf and this is what I'm trying to do myself is to completely circumvent the system that is in place. Don't fight the employers and don't try to figure them out. If you can start a business or be a private contractor then do. If there are other things than do so. Employers hire by word of mouth and by personality. Ability is last on their list. This is what my research has told me. ooo thinks I have not done my research. I have over two to three years. It is who you know not what you know. In a few months, I may be a private contractor of someone who owns a bunch of franchises. This is because my parents are good friends with him. My wife and I are doing something else as well together.
You seem to like Metal Sweetleaf, maybe you can do something with that. I don't know.
I believe the ultimate goal of employers in the end is to make money. They either do that by either increasing their profit margins or reducing their costs. This gave me an idea. I'm going to see if I can be an Independent or Private Contractor with any of them instead of being an employee. The thing is every human being has a profit motive and it doesn't have to be financial. I believe one has to appeal to their profit motive. Another thing, I believe every human being is selfish in someway. Everyone is looking to gain something even if it is a good feeling. I believe even Mother Theresa had a profit motive to her. I'm going to find ways to either increase their profits short term or decrease their costs short term while benefitting me. I believe being an Independent Contractor or Indie for short if I can do it right can reduce their costs.
Since I'm on the spectrum by being an Indie I believe I can reduce myself considerably as being a liability. If you can't climb the mountain then why not go around it? ooo with his crazy nonsense inadvertently got some ideas flowing for me. I will reiterate to you Sweetleaf, you will not change this man's mind or anyone with his nonsensical beliefs as well. I have years of experience to prove this to you. He will just parrot the same soundbites over and over again. Argue with him to gain ideas and have fun like I do.
Yeah I don't really expect to change anyones mind...I suppose I just like debating my points. Gotta have some excitement in my life I suppose. But yeah I just want to figure out a way to live without society with self sufficient energy and resources but obviously I have no real knowledge of how to do that nor can I afford it.
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Your life is yours.
Your choices -- your responsibility.
Your decisions -- your responsibility.
It's not the school's fault or society's fault. It's solely your fault for not doing adequate research before making choices in YOUR life.
Only YOU can take responsibility for YOUR own life. Your life is your problem, it's not up to a school or society to make sure you make decent decisions.
But if the school staff gives faulty information they are not at fault for giving that information? Also yes people always have choices, but sometimes things go wrong that have nothing to do with that individuals choices, and even if someone does make a wrong choice there should be options of what to do then. I mean if we have a society based on every individual for doesn't work to well it works better if there are resources in place to help when things do go wrong regardless of if its due to that individuals choice or other factors as well.
But I shouldn't expect you to understand that perspective..because in your reality anyone who is not successful in this society is a lazy no good bum.
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Get over it, I am talking about when I was 18 I feel I was mis-informed, I thought I did have the facts verified...turns out I was wrong, unfortunately I didn't find that out till I was already in loan debt.
You were 18. 18 is an ADULT.
Why are you telling me this again? I think you've already said that and I already knew that.
Even if you were misinformed, YOU should have verified what they told you. At 18, you're an adult and it's your responsibility to research and make informed choices. Being misinformed at 18 is no excuse. You were told whatever it was you were told, but you didn't-- as an 18 year old ADULT-- take responsibility for your life and find out if what people told you was true. YOU chose to go to school. YOU chose to get student loans. YOU chose to, as an 18 year old adult, believe whatever people told you. It's your responsibility to verify what people tell you. Your choices are solely a result of your decisions. At 18, you're too old to blame others for your lack of research in making decisions about what to do with your life.
At the time I had no idea how to even find that information other then going to the resource office thing at my school where they had information and a guidence counseler or whatever to help with getting your credits to graduate and help with setting you up for college. Also I didn't say it was an excuse I said it was part of the reason I chose to go to college........then after a year of college I realized I had been misinformed so I did some research to find a college better fit for me and transferred.......then it turned out it wasn't so much an issue of the wrong college but the issue of not being able to keep up with the classwork.
Also you're telling me things I already know again...not sure why, I decided to go to college partially based on mis-information and also because my only other option at that time would have probably been staying at home with no job since there were no jobs in walking distance, my mom worked all day so she couldn't have given me a ride....we sort of lived in a sh***y small town with nothing to do. So yeah there were many factors that led up to the choice, one of them being mis-information....I see no harm in acknowledging that.
I didn't say people should beat themselves up forever for their choices. Learn from your mistakes. Make wiser choices for yourself in the future.
Well I more or less have...I stopped going to college, and have decided to apply for SSI then maybe once I can get more stable on that and possibly improve the state of my mind some I might be able to pursue some sort of job.....but of course that's being lazy and bumming off society though right? But I don't really feel like having a stress induced mental breakdown so from my perspective that is the wisest choice for the time being.
Learn from your mistakes. Take responsibility for your life. Stop blaming other people for your problems and your decisions about school.
Accept that once, you at 18 years old, chose yourself to attend some school and have debt. You messed up that one decision-- that doesn't mean that you can't learn from your mistake. It was solely your mistake, and you can make a wiser decision next time by researching. Research career and educational options now. Then, make a wiser choice for your own life next time. By realizing that you alone made the decision to attend that school, you alone made a poor decision. You don't have to make a poor decision now-- learn from your past mistakes to avoid repeating your mistakes.
I don't really blame other people for my problems unless they cause them, the notion that people cannot cause problems for others is ridiculous to me. That said it would be stupid to blame all of my problems on others and I don't......Also I did not choose to have debt, are you insane I wanted to get a degree and try and get a job because I really thought it would work out then it didn't so I ended up with debt. You sure do make a lot of assumptions and personal ones if you are the authority on what goes on in everyone elses lives.
And the rest of that seems redundant, pretty sure its what you've already said so I'm not going to bother with anymore of this lenghty response.
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It is rather simple: in this world, no matter what species or what point in history, adults work to provide for themselves. It's just part of the physical reality of existance. Assistance such as that provided by society for the disabled, is a human notion that was created by society - it does not deviate from the physical reality in demanding adults support themselves, but it does in granting exemptions from this. That is a product of human and social ideals, not the physical reality.
Its funny that it is assumed people on a website for people with a disability are just making it up when they say they are not working due to their disability. Yes if an adult is able to support them self that is great, if not there should be resources to help them.......otherwise why should there even be a society if it doesn't exist to serve the needs of it's citizens...even the ones who don't function well within it. That is one of the main issues I have with this society.
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