Being an elementary music teacher

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Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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07 Sep 2009, 9:30 am

There are lots of people out there that know I have asperger's and am an elementary music teacher despite this disability. There's people that I'm certain wonder why I'm doing this profession as there is lots of social interaction and teamwork situations (two areas that I'm normally weak at) and I wonder if I should tell the staff I have this because not many people understand this condition well. I am starting my third year of teaching (second term postion) and I'm actually very proud of myself on overcoming these obstacles and doing what I love, although I would rather be a performer but it doesn't pay the bills as well as teaching does.

I wouldn't teach anything else other than music or wouldn't interest me at all and you couldn't pay me enough to do things like English or science.


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24 Sep 2009, 8:53 pm

although I would rather be a performer but it doesn't pay the bills as well as teaching does.

Heh... teaching IS being a performer, in my experience. But I guess you mean a musical performer. Well, you can always do it as a hobby.

I wouldn't bother telling them about your condition, if you are coping. People will use a label like that to slap you down or hold you back if they need to. I think it's best to keep it to yourself and find someone else to confide in.