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28 Jul 2009, 10:04 pm

I am currently doing my second stint as a picture framer in an art gallery. The first time I quit because of issues with my boss and I was always stressed out, I am on casual now. I am involved in a activity agreement with my job network who work with the disabled. So they send someone over to my work to make sure I am meeting my work objectives and that I am relating to people in the work place properly. I have allready told the network why I quit in the first place, because my boss is an arrogant a-hole and the general mood in the place is depressing. My boss has his own communication problems, he is hopeless and gets everyone off side. Since I first started working there about 5 years ago at leats 10 people have quit their jobs, everyone said they had issues with the boss.

Yesterday my job network sent a guy in to work to see how I was going. I was feeling sick like I am getting the flu, so I asked this guy can we go talk to the boss together, because I am not too good at communicating. I wanted to know if its ok if I take some time off work, I was just worried that some work needed to be done and I would be letting my work mates down, since we just had a week off work. The factory was closed due to sales being a bit down compared to usual.

The first thing my boss says in front of me and the job network guy is that, I have a poor work ethic and I wouldn't give a F"£@ anyway. All he is concerned about is that I was having a cigarette 1 hour after starting work on one occasion & I do sometimes have a break for a smoke during the day. But my work ethic is very good and I do more work and better quality work than anyone else in the business. On the occasions where I would have a smoke during work hours, I would have allready done 5 or more jobs first and have everything very well organised. The factory manager has nothing but praise for the way I do my job. He tells me once in the morning what needs to be done and then leaves me to it and everything gets done, usually before its due and with excellent quality. I start work at 8am and the first break is at 11am, so 3 hours and no sitting down, just standing. Its winter and there are no heaters and its freezing out in the factory.

I feel as though I give my all to the gallery doing the best I can and get treated like Sh@?. It depresses me and my co workers, the mood in there sometimes is morbid. I don't know if I can stay working there much longer, I am wondering if I should do more education so that I can change careers.


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29 Jul 2009, 2:19 am

The most arrogant thing a boss has said to me is "Get to work, this is the life you chose."

Which in reality is true.... free will. Its the bosses job - and you just work under him. The best thing you could do is be better than him...


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07 Sep 2009, 10:33 am

No kidding. I once worked at a job, and when the new manager manager (who shuffle depts once every 6 mos. or so) brought us to the first meeting we had under him, he said, "We're in the business of making money," and we were telling him, "Well, if you're not in it for the people, you wont make any money." This whole thing went on for months, and the 4 main guys in the dept (myself included) wound up quitting about the same time. Needless to say, this moron got what he deserved . . . course I left due to a job opportunity (that left me shafted), but i do not regret leaving that place. Now, i was out of work for 2 years, and just recently got a new one (bit physical for my taste, but the co-workers are fun/interesting). Trust me, you cannot help people like that . . . just move on, search for another more "compatible" job, give your 2 weeks notice when it comes, then drop the previous one like it was the piece of garbage it was . . . tactfully if you can. I dropped by that place again a few times, and I havent seen that manager since I left.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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09 Sep 2009, 3:20 pm

See if your job network rep can talk to your factory manager instead of to your boss? Then again, this might get your factory manager in trouble with the boss. But if the manager really likes you, maybe he would do it anyway.