Don't know what path to take
I am 16 in 10th grade. I have decent grades and should be taking some college level courses soon for college credits. (I am cyber schooled but I got to the college for their courses).
Anyways I am pretty gifted with speaking, debating, language (besides spelling), and history. My science is okay but my math is just bad. I was thinking of several of the following jobs:
Military: My family has a military history. I also hear aspies do good in the service plus the free college is a bonus. Also it puts you on the fact track for making money rather than waiting several years. Add to the fact I might be able to do something where I have to deal with Russians...such fun!! !
Linguist: This field is growing and I enjoy it. I would minor in Russian so I could become a translator. Also lots of job op.
Writer/Journalism: My non-internet writing is actually very good. My only problem is I can only write when motivated...which is very rare.
I want to do something with my life. I want to be part Rommel, part Hunter S. Thompson, part Chomsky, with just alittle Putin on top.
I'm also in Year 10. Figuring out just what path to take is difficult, I've decided to become an Electrician. I have good Mathematical skills, like working with electricity, etc.
I don't know whether Aspies do better in the military, it's possible. I would wait until these wars are over before joining though.
Well, my advice would be, take the courses you're likely to need for your career, and try to get a headstart whill in school, for example, I could get a school-based apprenticeship next year, not many do, but it's possible. If I do that I'll have two years of a four year apprenticeship finished before I graduate. Try to find something similar to that which will help you in the future.