Hagbarthr wrote:
It's part time freelance work for a publishing company.
Once a week, I head in to the office to pick up a stack of submissions for word-find puzzles. I then go home and enter the words from the puzzles into a database from which the actual puzzles will be generated.
It seems ideal for me. No phones, no co-workers. If I can keep the at-home distractions at bay, I should be able to get my work done on time.
It doesn't pay all that much. $0.40 a page for 100-200 pages a week. But I can still collect unemployment while I'm doing it. I don't lose benefits until I go over $130 a week.
I'm just glad to have something productive to do. 6 months of unemployment has hurt my self esteem and made it even harder for me to go out of the house and meet people.
If all goes well the first few weeks, I'm going to ask them for $0.50 a page.
wonderful! congratulations, Hagbarthr. It is good to have something productive to do and to suppliment your unemployment at the same time is just gravy!
Make great word puzzles. People buy newspapers just for them, you know!
Alis volat propriis
State Motto of Oregon