I Work At Fry's, Union going on strike.

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13 Nov 2009, 8:43 am

You might or might not know about this, I've heard it's news all over the country.

I work at a Fry's grocery store out here in Arizona, and after 3 years of going through hell with the management, I finally got promoted. I'm night stocking now, which I love so I was extremely excited about the promotion. After I've been on the job for only two weeks the union is going to decide whether or not to go ahead with the strike.

I'm scared as hell and my anxiety is through the roof, I even flipped out over an insignificant issue a couple nights ago and shouted swear words feet away from a store manager (the sad part is, I knew he was right there. Normally I'd not be upset like this, but I'm 20, living on my own and can barely afford my bills as it is. My parents can't afford to help me out.

I can't find another job to tie me over until the strike is over, because there are no jobs. An Aspie friend of mine has applied pretty much everywhere in the area with no luck, and he's homeless.

I hope I luck out, because while today is the day the strike will or not be decided on, it's Friday the 13th. (I'm not superstitious, but that doesn't stop me from noticing the fact that the strike decision happened to fall on this day)

Any advice?


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13 Nov 2009, 9:00 am

Hope for the best?

Does the union give out subsidies while workers are on strike?

I suspect the strike won't happen. I'm sure Fry's can't afford to lose the business during this time of the year (probably why the union picks now to threaten a strike).


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13 Nov 2009, 9:04 am


Was only just now informed that the two parties reached an agreement overnight.

Was gonna delete the thread just now but someone already replied.

Thanks anyway people.

I love WP's color scheme. Green is awesome when you're blue!


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13 Nov 2009, 9:29 am

hey, glad everything worked out well for you, Cowboy! Isn't it great to know we have WP to share our feelings and stuff with? I am grateful every day!


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