sinsboldly wrote:
Tim_Tex wrote:
Except for the super-rich, people in Hawaii have to work one full-time job and a part-time job, and if it's a married couple, it's both people working?
Of course, it would depend on what economic level on which you wish to live. If you hope to keep the same level as you live in a suburb of a larger city, then of course, duplicating that level in Hawai'i will cost quite a bit. However if you go 'local' and learn to live a much more simple existance if will not be such a problem, Tim. If milk is $10. a gallon, then why drink milk? If gas is far more expensive then don't keep a car in the first place. Learn other ways of living rather than trying to keep your current level intact and just live how you do now, only in Hawai'i.
(who lived three years in Hawai'i 'making do'.)
how's your bones feeling after not drinking milk? i hope you at least ate cheese (though unlikely from your description) and/or took calcium supplements. ever seen a body in the throws of osteoporosis? i have. talk about swiss-freakin-cheese. i handle bones on a weekly basis for school and we go through all sorts of problems and pathologies, including vitamin/mineral deficiencies. it's not pretty.
i mean, there's making-do, and then there is plain-old self-deprivation. so take your calcium and other vitamins, too!
also, did you live in the city or a place with good public transportation? unfortunately where i live, it's impossible NOT to own a car if you need affordable housing AND a safe neighborhood. just wondering. if i had to choose, i wouldn't own a car, because it's so expensive, but there is no other way. *shrug* luckily, i love cars.
tim, why do you ask, if you don't mind.