That's exactly how I feel about job searching/applying/resume dropping anything pertaining to job hunting.
I can't get a bloody job. There's no point in trying because if, and I mean IF I happen to luck across an interview, in the economic climate right now saying I was laid off, when it comes to that in the interview, is just as much of a scarlet f*****g letter as telling a potential employer I was terminated. whether I was laid off for something I did or some financial or busines related shortfall the company had. So whichever way it's painted, as I was laid off when Wal(ret*d)*Mart pulled Sam's out of Canada last winter(winter '08-'09), because I was laid off because ret*d*Mart decided, in their oh so infinite wisdom, focusing on the super center format was better for them in canada than keeping sam's going(which had been f*****g tanking since they opened up their pidly ass 6 location roster[all of which were in ontario) I s**t out of f*****g luck for finding a job and besides that nowhere is looking to take on new employees because of the current economy.