I have no idea how that poll could possibly work.
Titangeek wrote:
Gas station attendant.
Do you mean a convenience store clerk? Gas stations are automated these days. I'd say no because it requires dealing with the unpredictable general public. Think angry people buying lottery tickets while others are using the five-finger discount while you're distracted. Too much going on.
Titangeek wrote:
Walmart version of a gas station attendant (the kind in the bullet proof booth).
No, for the same reason. (My WM doesn't have a gas station, but I get the idea. In fact, most of the ones I see are convenience stores, not pure gas stations.)
Titangeek wrote:
Ticket seller at a movie theater.
No. General public again. (Do they even have ticket sellers anymore? This isn't automated?)
Titangeek wrote:
Usher at a movie theater.
Really no. Are you ready to fight that guy with the camcorder you ask to leave? Deal with the 10 small kids screaming?
Titangeek wrote:
Popcorn seller at a movie theater.
No. General public again. At least they won't hurt you when they dump their popcorn on you. (Too much butter, not enough butter, too much salt, not enough salt, etc.)
Titangeek wrote:
Protectionist at a movie theater.
Isn't this automated and digital by now? Are there real people changing reels?
Still, based on some of the zombies I see at these kinds of jobs, you probably couldn't do any worse and may do better. I've started to joke that if there really was a zombie apocalypse, no one would notice.