PrisonerZero wrote:
Because it's absurd.
I don't believe the United States will last forever, but I don't see it "coming down" anytime soon.
You almost sound like you want that to happen.
No, it's not absurd.
Global planners (read The Creature from Jekyll Island) created many institutions to slowly erode US prosperity and economic strength to force it to become "interdependent" with every other nation in the world. From income taxation, Social Security, the Federal Reserve Bank, etc....all created to shift wealth from the common man to the hands of the few while strengthening centralized government and conditioning the masses to reject concepts of national sovereignty, independence, self-reliance, etc.
The goal was to create a global government....which we essentially have....executive, legislative and judicial. All it lacks is a sufficient military to enforce it's will, and that would be taken care of if they got a 0.10% tax on international money transfers (something they've tried to get passed many times) as right now they are dependent on individual national contributions to fund operations. Of course, the people who dreamed this up ensured that they (and their descendants) would be the ones in the elect positions of power when the process is complete.
The biggest hurdle to this is economic strength. They can either do what they want by force, which would result in global war, or economic pressure (make people so destitute that they will gladly trade independence for sustenance). Americans were their biggest problem because of our individual and national prosperity. It's taken decades, but it's all coming down...all through policies that an amateur businessman could see were unhealthy, but pushed relentlessly so that being able to realize the American Dream (to be better off than the generation before you) is now pretty much impossible to attain.