Clean up your own gosh darn rubbish!
Clean up your own gosh darn rubbish!
My delayed reaction from hearing my job options from state rehabilitation:
Just because I am disabled, higher educational establishment decline accommodations and I am uniquely intelligent in my own regard that is not mainstreamed does not mean I am destine to be a custodian.
I nearly made it all the way surviving in the mainstream educational environments. No one knew what it was like in my head, but I was forced there or the penalty was jail. Such poor quality and non-individualized educational systems I had no choice about. The freedom to learn ones own way does not seem to be available, instead put into environments of disorder and non-optimal learning conditionings.
What a waste of time in public school and it was a forced requirment. Concentration camps! People should have more flexability with whether they want to go to an educational setting or do everything from home.
Having limited social interests and ability keep up a conversation centered around small talk should not disallow success either.
Nor should the inability or great difficulty to form peer contacts manifest any exclusion in society. Change and new situations just seem to scatter the mind.
Life is either partial isolationalism due to disability or accommodations for participations in normalities.
This world is not just for the normal functioning people. I have always been this way, I like my hermitosis. However, I'll just stay this way instead of pantering to the disorders of normalities.
No picking up trash!
All I want to do is partake in something in real life.. Hopefully I get into the regional center and they have something to do.
I've got 30 pots of flowers started from seeds and they started coming up a week ago. I might post pictures in a month.
Its a tough world out there for us, and it all starts so young. I couldn't memorise the time tables for one, I was a smart kid everyone thought Id go far in life but really, i guess im just a good fake. Trouble at school started with the time tables where no matter how hard I tried I just couldnt learn them so the teacher reports went sour and snow balled from there.
Bullied all through highschool and the few times I decided to defend myself saw me suspended when all the other kids had a chance to lie about what happened, my friends didnt even get to tell their account of the tale. Asked not to come back at the end of year 11 and too poor to fund education I went into work for $10AU an hour as a computer tech.
Since then Ive worked at jobs for 6 months or so, get fired and start again but the last job who fired me have somehow ruined me.. havent had a job now in must be 6-8months.. Pretty soon government is gonna put me on some kind of crappy job cleaning streets or parks or something, I dont even know whats gonna happen yet.. except that I knew it'll be unpaid work. Slave labour of the modern kind.
I could not memorize the times tables either, nor the months of the year in order.
As for bullies, I only had a few problems and was usually self occupied with thought to bother with other people. There was one football player, he tried a few verbal insults but I got him back then he just spoke to me. I think he wanted to be my friend but I really didnt want one.
Other then that there was one person that punched me twice in the facein high school, the first time I just starred at him and said do it again, so he did but he started it all with nonsense concerning my mother whom he did not know. So he punched me again and I just looked at him and said your done, then he was transposed to the floor in one move. A arm accross the chest with my leg to trip his feet on the gym floor then I jumped up and elbowed his stomach.
It was self-defence.
There was another time two people much larger then me just walked up and said they were going to kick my a$$. Then I said something like I hope your parents are rich, then they asked why, I said to bail you out of jail and pay for an attorney to pay me. They did not suspect such a statement and started to walk off, I laughed at them and they muttered oppositional things walking away.
That's mostly what I recall from high school, was not a proper learning environment.