I did phone counselling, I found that i was at a disadvantage with some things, ie rapport building, I found it hard to say all the niceties that would make a person (ie NT) immediately warm to me. However i also found that having AS made me less judgemental of, say, people with mental illnesses as i have AS which makes me neurologically unusual. I also have an anxiety disorder. So, I am not sitting in an ivory tower talking down to people. I thnk if i was doing face to face counselling, my lack of proper body language and eye contact would be a major hurdle. If it wasnt for those thngs I would enjoy the work. but I am not really use in some types of situations, such as grief or trauma counselling, because I dont have that sort of cuddly empathy and i dont know what to say. I was lucky that i didnt get one of those clients.
"Caravan is the name of my history, and my life an extraordinary adventure."
~ Amin Maalouf
Taking a break.