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21 Jul 2010, 10:16 pm

I'm wondering if anyone has experience or advice regarding actually qualifying for FMLA job protection. And would provide me some tips. The forms require a physician's signature. I'm not sure how to go about approaching someone. I'm thinking in this case it would be a psychiatrist, rather than a regular medical doctor. But maybe not.
I'm finding my job quite overwhelming. I'm good at it, and I don't want to quit. I had been in counseling trying to deal with the job stress and some other life issues. But that seemed to be making coping harder, not better. I couldn't maintain both the job and the energy that therapy was taking. I actually quit therapy last week because of that. I really feel like having the ability to adjust my work hours or take a day off when I need some space, without worrying about jeopardizing my employment would help.
I don't think pursuing FMLA designation through this counselor would have worked. He doesn't have a psychiatrist/doctor that he refers clients to. Plus, he doesn't think I have Asperger's, despite my having been formally evaluated and diagnosed. Mostly he seemed to think that my problems are because I don't try hard enough to overcome them. That's the other reason I quit therapy.
I'm feeling overwhelmed and kind of at my wit's end about this. I really don't like the idea that I would have to wait until this turns into an unbearable emotional crisis that sends me to the hospital emergency room or the psych triage center before I can get some assistance.
If anyone who has successfully gotten through the FMLA paperwork would let me know how you went about it I'd appreciate the help.


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25 Jul 2010, 9:11 pm

I have been on FMLA since July 13th. I had a huge meltdown (due to work stress/overload also) and ended up in ER. The attending physician put me out of work for a week. My regular therapist extended it to two weeks and wrote a letter to my employer suggesting I be allowed to take extended FMLA leave. The crisis worker at the hospital referred me to the local university's neuropsychiatric unit. The university admitted me to the clinic there for evaluation and therapy. I went to my first weekly appointment at the university on the 21st. At the first visit the psychiatrist signed my FMLA paperwork and put major depressive disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, and sensory integration disorder on the FMLA paperwork, and extended my leave to a month. The psychiatrist filled out all the paperwork for me and is helping me get short-term disability too for the time I'm out of work.

So my advice is to just do what I did and get an appointment with your local university neuropsych clinic. They'll probably have low-income services available if money is an issue for you, as it is for me. I hope you can get on FMLA and get the space you need to stabilize, without having to go to emergency.

Darth Vader. Cool.


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04 Aug 2010, 6:22 pm

Hi Druidsbird,
Thanks for the reply. Your info was helpful. When one can get qualified for it, FMLA is a good safety net. Hope things continue to work out for you.



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07 Aug 2010, 9:38 am

That counselor seems dubious to disregard your diagnosis.

I had to fill out the FMLA paper work to keep my job when ADHD and OCD seriously hindered my performance. I went to my phsychologist, told her everything that was going on, was diagnosed with ADHD and OCD and then she filled out the form which I took back to Human Resources. I didn't take any extended leave, though.