jzanx wrote:
I am obsessed with left wing politics, but i did terribly in the special school I was in , bad at math, writing , science, good at history used to be good at language and probably still am but those need good writing to market as a freelance journalist or translator. . .
I like left wing politics, too! Now, please don't let school define you. And I know that's hard right when you're in the thick of it.
Interest in politics --> interest in how systems work and that helps
and you care about people (okay, conservatives do, too, but maybe not as directly as we do!), you can learn to better understand people, and a wider range and repertoire of skills of just accepting people as they are. That also has positive transfer.
The economy's hard for a lot of people these days. Here in the United States, appromixately 10% unemployment. And that is not some 'technically' 10%, no, that's real unemployment
There are different ways to work with school. Actually, I found college better than high school. And about the third time I went back to college, I discovered the method of prestudying, and Wow! , that made a difference.