I have no aptitudes for careers,,, help!! !!

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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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13 Aug 2010, 10:29 pm

I am obsessed with left wing politics, but i did terribly in the special school I was in , bad at math, writing , science, good at history used to be good at language and probably still am but those need good writing to market as a freelance journalist or translator. I am doing terrible in my job now and might get fired do to fighting with co's and boss. I might look into librarian assistant or vet tech but that looks grim. Any suggestions or help from fellow Apsies?


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13 Aug 2010, 10:31 pm

Maybe secretarial work? I'm a library science major whose been doing part time secretarial stuff over the summer. Might work :wink:

Balance is needed within the universe, can be demonstrated in most/all concepts/things. Black/White, Good/Evil, etc.
All dependent upon your own perspective in your own form of existence, so trust your own gut and live the way YOU want/need to.


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13 Aug 2010, 10:45 pm

Maybe you could think about workplace environments that might be better for you, rather than specific fields. Like if you have conflicts with co-workers, you might want to look at jobs where you wouldn't have to work with too many other people. I worked in a warehouse once and it was pretty solitary.


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13 Aug 2010, 11:21 pm

pineapple wrote:
Maybe you could think about workplace environments that might be better for you, rather than specific fields. Like if you have conflicts with co-workers, you might want to look at jobs where you wouldn't have to work with too many other people. I worked in a warehouse once and it was pretty solitary.

imho that is extremely good advice! i was a 'professional' (worked as a teacher for 5 years) because i was good at the job itself, but i could not get along with coworkers. now i make 33% less money and work in a call centre, but i get along with people a lot better.

for me, it was about what kind of work environment i was suited to, not what job i was doing.

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14 Aug 2010, 4:13 am

Remember the night shift - it's always calmer.

Also if you're good at languages, go for it. Languages are a plus no matter what field you eventually choose. You don't need to go to Official Translator level - have you seen those ads that say "French (or German or Spanish etc.) is a plus."

Best of luck! :)

Blue Jay
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15 Aug 2010, 9:48 pm

What kind of job are you in now? Can you drive?

Do you live in an urban or rural area?

People might be able to give you better suggestions if you provide a little more information.


In many places jobs are scarce right now, so it's best to hang in there until you can find another one.

But if you are having problems, yes, you should be looking. Don't wait until they fire you.

Asking people in your family if they know of any openings, or can get you in where they work is often is the easiest route. Or even neighbors. IF someone knows you it's often a foot in the door.


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16 Aug 2010, 8:41 pm

jzanx wrote:
I am obsessed with left wing politics, but i did terribly in the special school I was in , bad at math, writing , science, good at history used to be good at language and probably still am but those need good writing to market as a freelance journalist or translator. . .

I like left wing politics, too! Now, please don't let school define you. And I know that's hard right when you're in the thick of it.

Interest in politics --> interest in how systems work and that helps

and you care about people (okay, conservatives do, too, but maybe not as directly as we do!), you can learn to better understand people, and a wider range and repertoire of skills of just accepting people as they are. That also has positive transfer.


The economy's hard for a lot of people these days. Here in the United States, appromixately 10% unemployment. And that is not some 'technically' 10%, no, that's real unemployment

There are different ways to work with school. Actually, I found college better than high school. And about the third time I went back to college, I discovered the method of prestudying, and Wow! , that made a difference.


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16 Aug 2010, 8:44 pm

Don't overlook sales. It's a large baseline, meaning a lot of jobs in sales. And some places are ethical enough, some understand that's part of good business.


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16 Aug 2010, 8:49 pm

I'm going to recommend H&R Block anyway. It's an unethical compay because they don't inform their clients of the negatives of the bank products. Hardly anyone makes bonus, certainly not first year people. And the job, for new people, generally lasts from early January to the first week in February.

But, even with all that, it is a wealth of experience. If you make a point of getting good at the computer system, like how to do Credit for Child and Dependent Care, you will be (sometimes) appreciately by co-workers, and that can be an absolute breath of fresh air compared to many work places, it really can. And clients appreciate someone who is a straight dealer (well, much of the time, for human beings, all of us, are just too unpredicable for anything to always, always work).

The ethics, if you inform your clients that it's a loan application and some people are approved and some people are not, and especially if you inform them of "cross collection" and "previous debt" (VERY IMPORTANT), you'll be runni;ng ahead of the curve and it's better that you be there than not.


following is a post I made last December that has some supporting references (not all, some of it is my personal experiences and personal observations):

H&R Block, bank products, cross-collection, unethical wo


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17 Aug 2010, 2:03 am

Start a BLOG! Or do Squidoo...get some stuff to sell there, make some designs that mean something to you and put them up on Zazzle or Cafepress or the many others...get a Twitter account, start tweeting...you would be amazed the amount of followers political type people get...you can do it all on your own time...you may not become rich overnight, but it gives you some sense of direction and you never know if you will make at least some decent money at it...

Good luck...

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19 Aug 2010, 2:58 am

How old are you? Where are you from? I was obsessed with politics (the left) and went to college initially for political science. I eventually switched and dropped out, but if you would like to pursue something in that field, you should go for it. Consider higher education starting with community college. If you're interested in politics, look into things in the political/governmental/legal fields. My friend is studying to be a paralegal, for example. If you can get an internship/volunteer with a political campaign/etc. you can start making connections that could lead to jobs. Maybe a research job would be good for you. Look into historical societies, etc.


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21 Aug 2010, 12:01 am

Become a truck driver. No co-workers to deal with most of the time. Blast the stereo in your office all day and no one cares.

A lot of companies will train you for free and pay you not much as well as treat you like dirt, but it will get you started in the business so you can move on to better paying jobs after you get some experience.


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21 Aug 2010, 10:05 am

There's a joke that goes, "I thought I wanted a career. It turns out all I really wanted was paychecks."

Careers are nice, but between the economy and real life not living up to expectations, I find it's best just to find work you don't mind doing and do it for the money. It's what most people do, and if the job isn't unpleasant, you might come to find it a comforting routine in your life.


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21 Aug 2010, 3:08 pm

just get a stable paid by the hour job, get good at it, and keep it. This is not hard. Especially if most of your co-workers are alcoholics and you shine by comparison.