The only thing I can think of is the Myers-Briggs Temperament Inventory (MBTI) which has some suggested professions for particular personality types. They probably do apply to Aspies, given that many of us are things like INTJ or INTP and are well suited to engineering and computer science, for example.
This is an example - you can google for more:
You should be able to find a free MBTI test online if you don't know what your type is.
I am INTJ or INTP, and I work in a mixture of computer programming, number crunching, social science research and law - all areas that MBTI says should be my strengths. They are well-known work areas for many Aspies, along with natural science and mathematics. But you should start with your particular MBTI personality type - not all Aspies are the same MBTI type.
I suspect that some other factors will need to be considered too: are you visual (like Temple Grandin), or mathematical (like me), or verbal/history/facts. Not all Aspies have the same strengths. Someone else may know of tests that pick up these sorts of issues for Aspies.