Space, I suspect that very few people in this world get to do something they love for a job/ career. The best most people can hope for is something tolerable. Non-autistics seem to compensate by doing social things at work -- apparently having friends at work is a good predictor of job satisfaction. Some drink heavily after work. Those with children say they work to give their children a "better life". And so it goes.
I work a low level, low paying job that is highly structured, repetitive, rather boring, and completely unrelated to both my educational background and interests, but what else I am going to do? I have tried to more advanced work before, and it did not go well for a variety of reasons. Part of the problem was the social interaction, office politics, etc., that often trip up autistics. Part of the problem was my poor communication and time management skills (i.e. executive dysfunction), and perfectionist tendencies. I have thought about going back to school and studying something else, but I just do not have the energy.
In short, sometimes you just have to make do with what you can get. C'est la vie.