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Joined: 2 Nov 2010
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04 Feb 2011, 10:47 am

I've come to a cross-roads regarding work. Up until now I assumed that I knew what I wanted to do which was computing. I can build websites to a great standard and can do design and code to some degree but I'm not a programmer. I always thought this was for me because I was naturally interested in it and not much else. I went into this but was always too slow for commercial work.

I feel like I should really just do it as a hobby and try to build successful websites for myself (but I need money). I know I've talked about this before, maybe I could just be an in-house web developer which may be less strain but it's a long shot. There's also the other option of going freelance but could I be fast enough to satisfy demand?

But recently I've been pursuing another career path. I had this idea to become a pharmacy technician. I'm thinking of doing this but I feel that it only may be something I like but don't really know. I don't know if I like it yet.

Then there's the possibility of doing psychology and becoming a therapist as I have a strong natural interest. But then I don't really believe in their methods. I tried CBT therapy myself and talking about my problems and found it maybe 10% effective. It was good but it always left you in therapy for 10 years talking and discussing but never any real cure.

Then I found EFT which was amazing and life-changing, so I believe in that. But believing in EFT cuts off the possibility of working in psychology. Why would I want to teach methods I don't believe in?
So I could become an EFT therapist but it's not recognised by society yet, it's like doing chinese medicine or homeopathy.

So I have so many options, all lead to the possibility of success or failure so It's bugging me and I don't know what's right. I have mid-high abilities depending on what I do so I can do something but some routes have problems attached to them.


I forgot to mention I've also recently applied to an ICT archives job which is public sector computing so government and not business. I would do it because of natural interest. This also complicates things. I feel split in 10 pieces at the moment.