Hi all,
I'm thinking about putting in a girevance at work. I work in a large open plan office with over 100 people on my floor. Last year we moved floor and we went to neighbourhood working which means nobody has a desk. We are supposed to work in the "area" where my team are supposed to be. On the previous floor we all had our own desks, but there were also pictures of people at the start of each row, their name and what their job was. It was very easy to find people - I just wandered down the office looking at the names until I found the person I wanted and was able to talk to them.
Since we went to this neighbourhood working, I haven't a clue who people are. Not only that, but I can't learn peoples names or faces as there is nothing to prompt me - I can learn who people are - it just takes a lot longer than most.
I'm thinking of putting in a grievance at work under the disability discimination policy we have.
Has anyone else done anything similar? What do people think?