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Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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Joined: 27 Dec 2010
Age: 31
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02 Mar 2011, 9:00 pm

teenager with gsces and aspergers. D:
i cant face working in a shop or being a waitress. or anything that involves alot of talking to new people all the time. so what can i do? there's just no jobs near me and i cant drive so i'm limited to places i can cycle to as the bus freaks me out. can anyone think of anything, where they would hire someone like me? are there any other teen aspies with jobs on here and if so what do you do?


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Joined: 14 Dec 2010
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03 Mar 2011, 3:49 pm

Are you looking for permanent work or something to get a bit of extra cash?

Bit of extra cash-type jobs:

Paper round? Probably wouldn't give you much money, but you could do it on your bike, you wouldn't have to speak to anyone.

Postie? Not sure what age range you'd have to be, but again not as much contact with the public, and spring is coming so you wouldn't have to be out in the blistering cold!

Leaflet distributor? I see loads of them around here and they don't say a word to anyone; but I'd imagine it's a first come first serve, 'occasional' job, not regular work.

Glass collector in a pub (again, age?) or a pot washer/ kitchen hand. Although I've worked in pubs and restaurants in the past (I'm definitely not a teenager, but I was once!), and there's a lot of banter that goes on behind the scenes, depends if you can take part and feel comfortable with it.

Gardner or handy person around your area? Can you offer your services to people in the area with things they might not be able to do, like mowing the lawn......

Are there any hotels around your area? What about a chamber maid or night porter.

I'm just plucking ideas from the air without any knowledge of what your interested in, or what GCSE's you have; the best jobs are the ones you have an interest in. So, look at things you enjoy doing and the subjects you enjoyed at school

There are loads of jobs you CAN do