Targets Have you had a problem with them at work.

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Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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04 Mar 2011, 8:54 pm

I tend to find it quite difficult to make targets in my jobs and often they seem impossible or just something that has been made up so that they can have an excuse to fire people if they don't meet them. I find it hard to keep constantly worrying about them and keep up a fast pace all the time. Has anyone here had problems with targets or has been fired for not meeting them?


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05 Mar 2011, 2:28 pm

I worked for an order-filling facility for six weeks several years ago. While they did not use targets/quotas to determine whether to fire someone, they did use them as "pay incentives." They figured the incentives by the number of units "picked" (located in the warehouse and brought over to the packing area) per hour. Sounds reasonable, right?

Only problem was, loading 30 of those concrete "dress-up" goose yard ornaments onto a pallet, walking all over the warehouse looking for a pallet jack that wasn't already in use, and pulling the loaded pallet over to the packing area counted *exactly* the same as tossing 30 containers of lip gloss into a little basket and carrying it to the packing area. Did this give the supervisors an opportunity to play favorites? You bet it did.

Guess who kept getting assigned to the concrete geese and never getting the bonus??? :evil:

If I were in a situation where keeping the job depended on making targets, I would feel exactly the same way you do.