I just spent three hours - yes THREE FRIGGIN HOURS - creating a public presence for myself on the internet. LinkedIn, new Facebook, a full Monster profile, and a fresh remake of the CareerBuilder. I'm not doing an additional twitter because sharing my thoughts is where I get into trouble... which has prompted public access to my true self to lack identity and any true identity to be well hidden. Fortunately, I go by a nickname 99% of the time so for a public presence, I just used my legal first name... which I apply to jobs with. It will make a great barrier for Google.
I'm concerned that having my original Facebook being the only searchable thing, combined with the fact that nothing is available to the public, might discourage potential employers. Then if they continue to dig, I'm concerned they will find stuff connected to my nickname name that will reveal that I'm a liberal hippy with a million kids. I'd rather them see an educated professional who has worked in multiple industries and has killer computer skills. No political stuff, no mention of kids... They can know I'm married and that I'm Episcopalian. That shows that I am sharing some personal life publicly and it's not unusual at all.
As terrified as I am of having a job again and being OUT THERE in that capacity, I really have to get to this. Our safety net is gone, my husband's in a neck brace for another five weeks, and I've got bills to pay. All that internet work making a good public face and I could only apply to 2 jobs. But the newspaper's given me 3 to do tomorrow. Those are must-apply-in-person jobs. That's intimidating. Wish me luck.
Anybody else have a public persona on the internet to help present themselves to potential employers? Has it worked for you?