I am good at nothing it seems...
I had one job that really sucked which was McDonalds and I quit because I hated getting talked about how much I suck behind my back.
My second job was actually perfect, it was customer service through the phone. I loved it.
I need a job now so I can move out but I suck at common sense, in fact most of my family hates me because of my lack of common sense.
Should I just try any job that comes my way?
Just about any job you get will be frustrating at first, because you're learning to do things 'their' way, and some places will only give you a minimum of training before they set you on your own, so your learning process is basically do something, find out after you did it that it's wrong, get yelled at, told to go back to work, do a different thing, repeat until you've run out of new things or you quit in frustration.
I suspect one reason aspies have trouble in jobs is that we ask less questions due to our social difficulties, leading us to make more mistakes than others in the same position. Add to that bosses who think yelling and mockery is the best way to motivate employees and our own difficulty adjusting when a pattern is broken and we have to improvise, and the workplace becomes a scary place, indeed.
That all said, I wouldn't necessarily tell you to take ANY job that comes your way, but don't be put off from trying things you haven't done before or you wouldn't think you'd be good at. Because after the hard beginning, you DO learn it, and you can end up doing it better than anyone. If you're willing to work hard and you can grow a thick skin, there's really nothing you CAN'T do.
Everything would be better if you were in charge.
Great post, sacrip.
I think growing a thick skin is probably the most important. Reading lots of books and utilizing lots of online resources are extremely helpful (and definitely takes a lot of time and effort), but in my personal experience I am finding that developing a thick skin is essential to making the rest of the newly-learned skills pay off for you. Be strong, and have faith that you can do this!