I'm self employed (doing something very unusual). I'm confident I'll make money from this in the future, but I'm not making much at the moment, and I'm not working many hours.
Realistically, I'm not likely to persuade an employer to give me a decent job. My CV is patchy, and the economy is particularly bad where I live.
So, I want to start another business, doing something that's likely to make steady cash (it doesn't have to be exciting). But doing what though? I have a very high IQ (140+), am particularly good at writing and math, and I'm highly creative. My ASD isn't really an issue anymore, so working with people poses no problems. However, the downsides are that I've got very little money to invest, I live in a low populated area and I'm useless at anything practical, e.g. home improvement.
I've looked into writing online, but there doesn't seem to be any money in it. I don't want to write an ebook, unless there's a real chance it'll make money.
I'd truly appreciate it if anyone could come up with a good idea for me. Come on guys, think outside the box, and help a fellow Aspie.