Are they trying to tell me they don't want to hire me?
I'm applying for a job at a new company where I know the owner. I spoke to them a few months ago and they made it sound like they were interested in hiring me and that the whole application and interview process would be just a formality. They said they had actually mentioned to their spouse that I would be good for this position. They have also been urging me over the last few years to go into this particular career field.
So I recently sent in the application and resume and all that stuff. They contacted me and said they weren't ready to hire anyone yet and that they weren't sure about my time frame, but if I'm still interested they would contact me when they're ready to start interviewing people. I posted about this in a forum that deals specifically with jobs and careers. The people there seem to think that the owner is not interested in hiring me and that I should move on.
I'm not sure what to think. I feel like the owner is sending me mixed messages. Since I know the owner (we're not friends, but could develop into friends if I get the job), I'm not sure if I should say something about this or not. If they already know that they don't want to hire me, then I'd prefer to know now rather than being strung along. But then if I say something and they actually are interested in hiring me, I may come off looking like an idiot. I really, really want this job and have my heart set on it. To me, there are no other options. It's this job or die. So I'm not sure what I should do. Any suggestions? Perhaps I'm just being paranoid and/or looking at things wrong. And yes, I realize I need to prepare myself in case I don't get the job.
Well, it can be as simple a matter that with the bad economy they can't justify hiring anyone extra at this time, but I agree that it is a mixed message that you get all this encouragement then are told to apply again at a later time.
If you get the chance to meet the owner in a different setting, simply ask him how the business is going then let it pass that you applied recently and were told they were not hiring at the time. It should get something moving, and if he's not in a position to hire anyone, he should be straightforward and let you know.
i think you should just let it go
if they really want you they will call you up
recently i had applied for a job and they kept calling me
i did not attend the last and final interview the guy called me up
asking why i did not attend
i just made a excuse
actually the pay there was less and timings more also
somethings were not right there....
so i was avoiding..
That's frustrating to get those mixed messages. However, I encourage you to do your best to stop thinking in grave, black-and-white ways like "it's this job or die." That will only increase your stress and frustration. Also, be aware that if the owner does hire you, he will be your employer and NOT, necessarily, your friend. He will get to know you as an employee first, and your performance on the job will be his main consideration.
Jobs are like housing properties on the real estate market. Sometimes the perfect "house" is there, but it's just not for sale when you want to "buy," no matter how great you think that house would be for you. But you still need somewhere to live! Keep looking for jobs. If you get one, it may be great! If not, you can keep it until you get an offer from the firm you really want to work for, and then chuck the original job. If an offer DOESN'T come, then at least you've still got a job, which makes you more attractive to potential employers. Good luck...job hunting is a real PITA. Do not take it personally if an employer just doesn't have it in the budget to hire you...his job is to stay in business, first and foremost, and most employers take hiring new employees very seriously. They know exactly how important their jobs are in the lives of the people they hire, and many would be very hesitant to offer a job if they weren't sure they could continue to afford to keep that employee on board.
This sounds like when employers reject you and say they will keep your details on file in case any other opportunity comes up. Surprising the amount of times I have heard that and have never heard back from a single one. Seems like it is just a standard thing they say to try and make you think positively about the company, when they have no real intentions of contacting you again.