Trying to find work online, any suggestions?
I'm interested in finding a job I can do online. I desperately need a source of income. It doesn't have to be much. I've used computers and the internet since I was a kid, but I never got into anything useful like coding and such. Still, I'm quite capable.
But I have no idea how to go about this. Searching google is hardly useful these days, as saturated as the internet and search results have become..So I thought, "surely, many of my fellow aspies have gone through the same thing and conquered the situation!" And so I humbly ask to share in your knowledge of the subject, so that I may take my first steps toward becoming the evil genius I have the potential to be!
My only real attempt at this thus far came from a previous post on here, about a company called Liongate. But I could tell right away that I wasn't getting that job due to how detailed the forms were when it came to previous jobs and educational level. There wasn't exactly an option for "oh I just have a GED, but that's just because I'm an aspergial genius who homeschooled himself. no, really, I am the most qualified person in the world for this kind of stuff...." I applied anyway, but swiftly got a rejection letter. XD
So, any sort of jobs that require a proof of education are out. And I have no official previous jobs that I can list. I can't have a strict schedule, or preferably any at all. I need to be able to work whenever I want to and for however long I want to. Any sort of weekly hour requirements are acceptable, if they are reasonable.(10-20 hours a week is just fine. more than that is..manageable, depending on the work)
And it absolutely cannot involve talking on the phone. The only people I know who got work at home jobs on the internet were a customer support rep and a telemarketer. I do not talk on phones, it's just something that is incredibly difficult for me.
I know this seems rather specific, but I'm fairly certain most people here can relate to that XD
I type well, but not as well as most, as I never did get into using the standard home-keys method of typing instead of just kinda "winging it"
I'm not sure what sort of relevant skills and knowledge I should list, so feel free to ask what I can and cannot do when recommending something ^_^
Thanks oldmantime. I have that page bookmarked and will look into it soon.
Still, I would like to hear as many suggestions as people have, even if it's an unconventional method. I want to maximize my possibilities to find something best suited for me. I appreciate any and all thoughts, and will be checking in to this thread often, so I will read and look into every reply.
I also wouldn't mind using this thread to help others find similar solutions, so be as reasonably informative as you have the effort for for any posts and suggestions please ^_^
I've looked in to the informa website, and it seems like the only jobs that they have available is database-based coding and a telemarketing job that seems based purely on social skills. Talking to people and establishing marketing deals with people. So, it's not really what I'm looking for, but still, any and all suggestions are helpful, and I want to see as many possibilities as I can

Joined: 10 Feb 2008
Age: 42
Gender: Female
Posts: 2,047
Location: Ireland, dreaming of Germany
For bilinguals there are translation jobs. My SO works like this (but his native languages are Russian, English and Hebrew). Though in these jobs the schedules are often tight...
I am not a native speaker. Please contact me if I made grammatical mistakes in the posting above.
Penguins cannot fly because what cannot fly cannot crash!
If you can spare a little bit of time, I would suggest learning how to design websites.
Several years ago, I was a website designer and online content writer. I taught myself how to code, and I'm fairly proficient at writing, so for a while I had a little hobby business. I would design pages for people - I communicated with my clients through email and IM - and I was also contracted by a couple to write some articles for their website ventures. The topics of the articles weren't always the most engrossing - 70 pages about tea, anyone? - but it got me some income.
It helped that later on, I could put the above on my resume and therefore I could say I had some job experience. It also, interestingly enough, helped me find a job in the government a few years later.
Although I'm sorry to break this to you but almost any job has some sort of schedule [I've yet to hear of a job that does not involve some sort of schedule], so you'll just have to get used to the idea of working to certain time frames. That's just reality for you.
Said the apple to the orange,
"Oh, I wanted you to come
Close to me and
Kiss me to the core."
Think you're ASD? Get thee to a professional!
they should have secret shopper jobs. maybe you looked in the wrong place.
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