Telephon call behaviour
Hi, I was waitingg to get a apointment for an job-interview.
The human resources employee wrote via e-mail that she could not reach me by phone, gave me an appointment date, wishing me a good weekend.
well, I tried for sometime to call her. Her line was bussy, so after 8 times of trying I emailed her my confirmation and that maybe she should recheck the number she tried to reach me with.
But I get the feeling she may have never tried to call me. my mobile smartphone does only show the calls my wife did without reaching me. But not this HR-Employee. If she got the number wrong, she would have noticed that for sure! All my documents she got, shows my mobile number on every page header.
So, what if she only pretends that she tried to call me? Why should she tell me the lie that she tried? The Job Agency told me that the company is in hurry to get me for that new job. Now I get a appointment in the middle of next week, not monday or tuesday... I don't care, any time within the week is fine with me. But my wife just told me, she may feel bad about that and so feels to write a lie in order to keep her face....
I do not understand such lies, just so someone is looking good, better than others and pushing the failure to others... Even when there is not realy a failure...
Can someone shed some light?
Cu, Ike SiCwan
from Germany - Hamburg
- Aspie score: 161 of 200
- Neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 57 of 200
I am an IT and Aviation Nerd!
- Asperger diagnosis / Autism spectrum diagnosis official 04/2016
- self diagnosis 2008
From what I'm gathering, I'm getting the impression what you're describing is the new way to be socially correct. My grown-up neurotypical daughter told me years ago the same thing your wife did.
In my opinion, such behavior is the norm for most NTs. Since NTs are the majority, their ways rule in society. Unfortuantely, their ways suck and are stupid. Saving face is super selfish. People like you and I are stuck having to accept it. The worst part is that people like the person who interviewed you will never be honest.
"Has not my hand made all these things, and so they came into being?" declares the LORD. "This is the one I esteem: he who is humble and contrite in spirit, and trembles at my word." – Isaiah 66:2
I hardly can deal with others not being honest, and not speaking true. Honor and being true are values which are being forgotten in nowadays world. Sadly that is!
It seems, I am about becoming a IT Manager for the internal IT structure of an department or new company site. So I will have to manage, to be boss of the different IT department teams of that new site.
My way will be based uppon honor, speaking true and transparency. What is someonces weakness, maybe the strength of another employee. Woth can work together with an open mind, no one shall profile himself over the head of others, so the teamwork is getting much better. Everyone has strength in some areas, no one is better than others and as long as all are open and transparent and interchangeing details and informations without the will to have a better standing within the group, the work will be a better. So I will be as open true and transparent as I expect it from the IT staff.
Will that work? because if I get them to work this way, it will realy make a difference. That is the Captain Picard style of commanding a team, a crew, whatever.
Cu, Ike SiCwan
from Germany - Hamburg
- Aspie score: 161 of 200
- Neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 57 of 200
I am an IT and Aviation Nerd!
- Asperger diagnosis / Autism spectrum diagnosis official 04/2016
- self diagnosis 2008

Joined: 10 Feb 2008
Age: 42
Gender: Female
Posts: 2,047
Location: Ireland, dreaming of Germany
Could you have been in an area with no reception? Then, cellphones obviously do not show the calls you missed.
I am not a native speaker. Please contact me if I made grammatical mistakes in the posting above.
Penguins cannot fly because what cannot fly cannot crash!
I was at home with perfect cellphone net quality... I recieved 2 calls from my wife I missed, but not from anyone else.
Cu, Ike SiCwan
from Germany - Hamburg
- Aspie score: 161 of 200
- Neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 57 of 200
I am an IT and Aviation Nerd!
- Asperger diagnosis / Autism spectrum diagnosis official 04/2016
- self diagnosis 2008