I tend to act in what I call "Auto-Mode". I know against all better judgement that my input on someone else's debate, however factually wrong they may be, will always be viewed as "Mr. Know-It-All", but I can't stop myself from spewing factoids into the fray.
Just recently, a co-worker of mine was telling my boss about how much she loves energy shots (miniture B-vitamin and caffeine supplements). I popped into Auto Mode and explained the health dangers of too much Niacin, a B vitamin, has on the skin and heart.
In my mind, this input was vital. The co-worker in question is, for lack of a non-insulting term, not healthy in appearance. I live by the simple logic to never take health advice from someone unhealthy.
My comment was labeled as my "Fun Fact For The Day", and dismissed casually. This infuriated me.
Situations like these often have me asking my friends for advice on how to beat down my IQ to a socialy acceptable level, without causing mind splitting headaches.
My friend, Carl, said, "Ignore everything unimportant." That may sound easy for someone unlike the typical Aspie. But I want to examine everything.
I find the best advice is to simply follow that golden rule "If you can't say anything nice..."
I try to mask my comments within complimentary speech. Instead of saying, "Your stereo is too loud", I say "That stereo is great! I can hear it from across the hall!"
I'm not always successful, like in the story above, but it has saved me more than once from sticking my foot in my mouth.